
A History of Advertising, Stephane Pincas, Marc Loiseau

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Godina izdanja: 2008
ISBN: 3836502127
Oblast: Dizajn
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Stephane Pincas, Marc Loiseau - A History of Advertising
Taschen, 2008
336 str.
tvrdi povez
stanje: dobro

This title presents the evolution of the ad. The history of western advertising is a long one, starting as early as the 1630s, when frenchman Theophraste Renaudot placed the first advertising notes in La Gazette de France, or in 1786, when William Tayler began to offer his services as `Agent to the Country`s Printers, Booksellers, etc.,` but the first time that the term `advertising agency` was used dates back to 1842, when Volney B. Palmer created his agency in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Widely considered to represent the birth of the modern advertising, this date marks the beginning of a creative industry that has transformed many commercial works into cultural icons.Divided by into sections by decades, this book explores the most legendary campaigns and brands of advertising`s modern history, with specific anecdotes and comments on the importance on every campaign. You will find the picture of the camel that originated the Camel package, the first Coca Cola ad, and even how artworks by masters such as Picasso and Magritte have been used in advertising.

Foreword / Maurice Lévy
1. 1842-1921 (The pioneers ; Women in ads ; Kub and Dada ; Your country needs you ; Advertising becomes a profession ; Coca-Cola: the birth of a brand ; Nabisco, Cracker Jack, Morton`s Salt: mere commodities no more! ; Uneeda Biscuit: a million for the boy ; Camel: "Ol Joe` ; Cadillac: the power of words ; Sapolio, Gold Dust: a dubious cleanliness ; Arrow: white-collar man ; Philips, Steinway, Victor: son et lumière) 2. 1921-1940 (A testing time ; The celebration of consumption ; Constructiivism amd surrealism ; Advertising advertising ; Coca-Cola: the real Father Christmas? ; Dole: the beauty of the product ; Green Giant: the Green Giant ; Life Savers, Verkade: sweet nothings ; Camel, Chesterfield: Thoroughly Modern Miss ; Ford: critical mass ; Ford: a new look ; Cadillac, Chrysler: read all about it! ; Real Silk, Cannon: the development of photographs ; Ivory Soap: `... out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad` ; Oxydol: first, a `soap opera` ; Philips, Wheaties, Gold Medal Flour: content providers ; Antennes et Écrans de Publicis: all eyes and ears!) 3. 1941-1960 (Modern times ; Behind the lines ; Brand propaganda ; High profile profession ; Coca-Cola: wherever, whenever ; Coca-Cola: new shapes and sizes ; Kellogg`s: `We like the way you operate!` ; Green Giant: Ho! Ho! Ho! ; American Meat Institute: red on red ; Maggi: scandalous! ; Pillsbury: what are you loking at? ; Maxwell House, Nescafé: a real coffee solution ; Marlboro: home on the range ; Marlboro: wide open spaces ; Santa Fe: native territories ; Plymouth: jet-propelled ; Container Corporation of America: contains 57 artists! ; Berliet, Shell: driving growth ; Bell Telephone: the phone company ; Philips, Maxwell House: different stroles, different folks ; Colgate, Crest: getting your teeth into a USP ; André, Singer, Well, Brunswick, Jacques Fath: to each his own ; Ladies` Home Journal, Fewa, Le Figaro: women get votes, shock!) 4. 1961-1980 (The advertisiong generation ; Pop culture ; The art of business ; The protest movement ; Advertising becomes `cool` ; Prénatal, Nestlé Ptipo: baby-boom ; Campbell`s: a loving spoonful ; Nova, Boursin: sweetand sour ; Vittel, Scheppes, Noilly Prat, Mercier, Sandeman: brand news ; Schlitz: famous for what? ; Virginia Slims: first lady ; Saint-Gobain, United States Steel: say no ; Squibb, PhRMA: ethical acts ; Texaco, Atlantic, Shell, Tropical: on the road ; Renault: cartoon lifestyle ; Renault: small is big ; Unted Airlines: fly guys ; Chase Manhattan Bandk, BNP: money talks ; Bell System, Yellow Pages: I just called ; IBM: IBM, made in Britain ; Maytag: boring, boring, boring ; Charmin, Camay: squeeze it, touch it, feel it! ; Avon, margaret Astor, Harriet Hubbard Ayer, Boots: smile, please! ; Elnett, O.BA.O: movesr and shakers ; Rosy, Selimaille: now you see it, now you don`t ; Dim: sixy ;Dim, L`eggs: showing your knickers! ; Heineken, O-cedar, Crunch, Gervais, Lactel: emotional commitment ; Irish Tourist Board, Woolmark: shabby chic ; Bic, Lip: de-luxe! ; De Beers: diamonds are forever ; Conservative party: the Iron Lady ; Newsweek, Presse Quotidienne Régionale, The Times: the price of the press ; Unselling sex) 5. 1981-2006 (New frontiers ; Not quiet on the eastern front ; The art of advertising ; Star signs ; Perrier: eau dear! ; Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola: a legend refreshed ; Heineken, Beddingtons: a tale of two tastes ; Castelmaine, Steinlager: Down under style ; Bartles & Jaymes, Johnnie Walker: ed, Frank and Johnnie ; Tia Maria, Kahlua, Stolichnaya: truth in disguise ; McDonald`s: the world`s restaurant ; McDonald`s: specuials of the day ; Burger King, Wendy`s: restaurants of distinction ; Heinz: slow is also good ; John West, Le Creuset: by hook or by cook ; Altoids: welcome to Altoidia ; Häagen-Dazs: steamy ice cream ; Nescafé, Tasters` Choice: four arguments and a coffee ; Silk Cut: the first cut ; Silk Cut: variatins on a theme ; Western Union, Citi: for love of money ; DHL, Aflac: smart animals ; Sony-Ericsson, Florida Lotto, national Lottery: life is but a dream ; Hewlett-Packard, BMW: web of intrigue ; Saturn, Pontiac: star-struck ; Renault Clio: Papa? Nicole! ; Renault Espace and Madus: living in space ; Toyota Hilux: Car capers ; Toyota Prius, Lexus: country cars and city slickers ; British Airways: the UK takes off ; Air France: France takes off ; Club Med, Club 18-30: Sun, sand and see ; Adidas, `Die drei Streifen` ; Nike, Reebok: street fighting men ; Levi`s: originality ; Dim: when aman loves a woman ; L`Oréal Professionel, Garnier, Innéov: because it`s worth it ; Lancôme: a rose by any other name ; Ebel, Hermès: `don`t make anything ugly, someone might buy it!` ; Carrefour, Asda: how low can you go? ; Krups, Rowenta, Whirlpool: white goods are hot stuff ; Talens, Pattex, Kiwi: th art of demonstration ; Tide, Cheer: keep it clean ; Ariel: immaculate concept ; Procter & Gamble: advertising age ; Delta Airlines, Sanofi Aventis, Toyota: experience tells ; Glovcosmos, Buenos Aires Zoo, Planet M: cultural operations ; US Army, British Army: atten0shun! ; European Parliament, Euro: Europe ; Red border, blue pencil ; What if? ; What next? ; What are you on? ; What can be done? ; Which planet? ; Getting a life) Looking to the future, 2006- (No is harder than yes / David Droga ; Who really owns the brand? . Pat Fallon ; / Miguel Angel Furones ; Youthful thinking / John Hegarty ; Cynical consumers, shrinking budgets... / Bob Isherwood ; `Getting heard and getting it right` / Linda Kaplan)
1842-2006: List of important names


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Predmet: 76907845
Stephane Pincas, Marc Loiseau - A History of Advertising
Taschen, 2008
336 str.
tvrdi povez
stanje: dobro

This title presents the evolution of the ad. The history of western advertising is a long one, starting as early as the 1630s, when frenchman Theophraste Renaudot placed the first advertising notes in La Gazette de France, or in 1786, when William Tayler began to offer his services as `Agent to the Country`s Printers, Booksellers, etc.,` but the first time that the term `advertising agency` was used dates back to 1842, when Volney B. Palmer created his agency in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Widely considered to represent the birth of the modern advertising, this date marks the beginning of a creative industry that has transformed many commercial works into cultural icons.Divided by into sections by decades, this book explores the most legendary campaigns and brands of advertising`s modern history, with specific anecdotes and comments on the importance on every campaign. You will find the picture of the camel that originated the Camel package, the first Coca Cola ad, and even how artworks by masters such as Picasso and Magritte have been used in advertising.

Foreword / Maurice Lévy
1. 1842-1921 (The pioneers ; Women in ads ; Kub and Dada ; Your country needs you ; Advertising becomes a profession ; Coca-Cola: the birth of a brand ; Nabisco, Cracker Jack, Morton`s Salt: mere commodities no more! ; Uneeda Biscuit: a million for the boy ; Camel: "Ol Joe` ; Cadillac: the power of words ; Sapolio, Gold Dust: a dubious cleanliness ; Arrow: white-collar man ; Philips, Steinway, Victor: son et lumière) 2. 1921-1940 (A testing time ; The celebration of consumption ; Constructiivism amd surrealism ; Advertising advertising ; Coca-Cola: the real Father Christmas? ; Dole: the beauty of the product ; Green Giant: the Green Giant ; Life Savers, Verkade: sweet nothings ; Camel, Chesterfield: Thoroughly Modern Miss ; Ford: critical mass ; Ford: a new look ; Cadillac, Chrysler: read all about it! ; Real Silk, Cannon: the development of photographs ; Ivory Soap: `... out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad` ; Oxydol: first, a `soap opera` ; Philips, Wheaties, Gold Medal Flour: content providers ; Antennes et Écrans de Publicis: all eyes and ears!) 3. 1941-1960 (Modern times ; Behind the lines ; Brand propaganda ; High profile profession ; Coca-Cola: wherever, whenever ; Coca-Cola: new shapes and sizes ; Kellogg`s: `We like the way you operate!` ; Green Giant: Ho! Ho! Ho! ; American Meat Institute: red on red ; Maggi: scandalous! ; Pillsbury: what are you loking at? ; Maxwell House, Nescafé: a real coffee solution ; Marlboro: home on the range ; Marlboro: wide open spaces ; Santa Fe: native territories ; Plymouth: jet-propelled ; Container Corporation of America: contains 57 artists! ; Berliet, Shell: driving growth ; Bell Telephone: the phone company ; Philips, Maxwell House: different stroles, different folks ; Colgate, Crest: getting your teeth into a USP ; André, Singer, Well, Brunswick, Jacques Fath: to each his own ; Ladies` Home Journal, Fewa, Le Figaro: women get votes, shock!) 4. 1961-1980 (The advertisiong generation ; Pop culture ; The art of business ; The protest movement ; Advertising becomes `cool` ; Prénatal, Nestlé Ptipo: baby-boom ; Campbell`s: a loving spoonful ; Nova, Boursin: sweetand sour ; Vittel, Scheppes, Noilly Prat, Mercier, Sandeman: brand news ; Schlitz: famous for what? ; Virginia Slims: first lady ; Saint-Gobain, United States Steel: say no ; Squibb, PhRMA: ethical acts ; Texaco, Atlantic, Shell, Tropical: on the road ; Renault: cartoon lifestyle ; Renault: small is big ; Unted Airlines: fly guys ; Chase Manhattan Bandk, BNP: money talks ; Bell System, Yellow Pages: I just called ; IBM: IBM, made in Britain ; Maytag: boring, boring, boring ; Charmin, Camay: squeeze it, touch it, feel it! ; Avon, margaret Astor, Harriet Hubbard Ayer, Boots: smile, please! ; Elnett, O.BA.O: movesr and shakers ; Rosy, Selimaille: now you see it, now you don`t ; Dim: sixy ;Dim, L`eggs: showing your knickers! ; Heineken, O-cedar, Crunch, Gervais, Lactel: emotional commitment ; Irish Tourist Board, Woolmark: shabby chic ; Bic, Lip: de-luxe! ; De Beers: diamonds are forever ; Conservative party: the Iron Lady ; Newsweek, Presse Quotidienne Régionale, The Times: the price of the press ; Unselling sex) 5. 1981-2006 (New frontiers ; Not quiet on the eastern front ; The art of advertising ; Star signs ; Perrier: eau dear! ; Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola: a legend refreshed ; Heineken, Beddingtons: a tale of two tastes ; Castelmaine, Steinlager: Down under style ; Bartles & Jaymes, Johnnie Walker: ed, Frank and Johnnie ; Tia Maria, Kahlua, Stolichnaya: truth in disguise ; McDonald`s: the world`s restaurant ; McDonald`s: specuials of the day ; Burger King, Wendy`s: restaurants of distinction ; Heinz: slow is also good ; John West, Le Creuset: by hook or by cook ; Altoids: welcome to Altoidia ; Häagen-Dazs: steamy ice cream ; Nescafé, Tasters` Choice: four arguments and a coffee ; Silk Cut: the first cut ; Silk Cut: variatins on a theme ; Western Union, Citi: for love of money ; DHL, Aflac: smart animals ; Sony-Ericsson, Florida Lotto, national Lottery: life is but a dream ; Hewlett-Packard, BMW: web of intrigue ; Saturn, Pontiac: star-struck ; Renault Clio: Papa? Nicole! ; Renault Espace and Madus: living in space ; Toyota Hilux: Car capers ; Toyota Prius, Lexus: country cars and city slickers ; British Airways: the UK takes off ; Air France: France takes off ; Club Med, Club 18-30: Sun, sand and see ; Adidas, `Die drei Streifen` ; Nike, Reebok: street fighting men ; Levi`s: originality ; Dim: when aman loves a woman ; L`Oréal Professionel, Garnier, Innéov: because it`s worth it ; Lancôme: a rose by any other name ; Ebel, Hermès: `don`t make anything ugly, someone might buy it!` ; Carrefour, Asda: how low can you go? ; Krups, Rowenta, Whirlpool: white goods are hot stuff ; Talens, Pattex, Kiwi: th art of demonstration ; Tide, Cheer: keep it clean ; Ariel: immaculate concept ; Procter & Gamble: advertising age ; Delta Airlines, Sanofi Aventis, Toyota: experience tells ; Glovcosmos, Buenos Aires Zoo, Planet M: cultural operations ; US Army, British Army: atten0shun! ; European Parliament, Euro: Europe ; Red border, blue pencil ; What if? ; What next? ; What are you on? ; What can be done? ; Which planet? ; Getting a life) Looking to the future, 2006- (No is harder than yes / David Droga ; Who really owns the brand? . Pat Fallon ; / Miguel Angel Furones ; Youthful thinking / John Hegarty ; Cynical consumers, shrinking budgets... / Bob Isherwood ; `Getting heard and getting it right` / Linda Kaplan)
1842-2006: List of important names

76907845 A History of Advertising, Stephane Pincas, Marc Loiseau

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