
Final option Gary Kriss I izdanje 1989.

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Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

I izdanje
LYNX BOOKS New York 1989.

У изненадном нападу на француско тло, терористи ПЛО-а предвођени озлоглашеним Абу Нидалом отимају Мориса Шумахера, врхунског израелског нуклеарног научника. Њихов циљ: уништити израелски програм нуклеарног наоружања и извести масован напад на свим границама. Мосад шаље свог најбољег оперативца, Аврама Земила, у Париз у очајничку мисију спасавања без Шумахерових кључних компјутерских чипова са подацима, Израел не може да развије стратешко оружје. Земил се пробија кроз смртоносну мрежу Нидалових убица, само да би пронашао Шумахера убијеног. Тркајући се са временом, он проналази микрочипове и креће у луди јуриш по Европи да их врати у Израел. Гоне немилосрдних убица, а његови контакти су постали издајници, Земил мора да стигне до ратом разореног Бејрута и до коначног експлозивног сукоба са Нидалом који ће заувек одлучити о судбини његове нације.

GARY KRISS has been stringing together words for longer than he cares to remember, including for The New York Times where he wrote critically acclaimed feature articles.

Born in the great borough of Brooklyn, Gary was raised in the Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee, near Dolly Parton’s home town, although he has never shown any vocal ability. He did, however, fall under the spell of the South’s rich literary heritage and to this day remains bewitched by it.

Gary studied philosophy and sociology as an undergraduate and did his graduate work in sociology and psychology at The New School for Social Research. A former journalism, communication arts and marketing professor, he was named a Research Associate at Williams College in recognition of his writing.

Like the protagonist of THE ZODIAC DECEPTION, Gary`s an accomplished mentalist, magician and ventriloquist. He’s a member of the Society of American Magicians, founded by Houdini, and of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. He’s also an active member of the International Thriller Writers, the Mystery Writers of America, the Horror Writers of America and, because he’s a hopeless romantic, the Romance Writers of America.

Currently he’s working on his next novel, THE HOUDINI KILLER, a prequel to THE ZODIAC DECEPTION. True to form, he’s writing it either in a coffee house or a bookstore rather than in his Westchester County, NY home, which has been invaded by research material, an unruly horde the likes of which have not seen since the glory days of the Vikings and the Goths.

Beyond that, his main concern is making his lovely wife, Pat, his publisher, his editor, his agents, his dog and his cat proud of him. He still holds out hope that he can win over the dog.

Knjige šaljem preporucenom tiskovinom ( cenovnik na sajtu pošte 138 do 211 din. u zavisnosti od tezine a maksimalno do 2 kilograma,iznad 2 kilograma do 30 kilograma paket po ceni od 200 pa naviše u zavisnosti od težine,po želji moze i nekom od kurirskih službi- uz uplatu unapred)
Troškove poštarine uvek snosi kupac-sem ako to nije navedeno
Šaljem u inostranstvo kao preporučenu tiskovinu i M vreću cenovnik zavisi od težine a možete ga pogledati na sajtu pošte-uplate preko WesternUnion transakcije

Obogatite svoju biblioteku dobrom knjigom( da se razumemo --ne postoji loša knjiga-samo su nam interesovanja različita)
U ponudi raznovrsni žanrovi ,na raznim jezicima,nove,polovne,za mladje,za one malo starije.
Edukativne,maštovite i nadasve zanimljive knjige uz koje su neki odrastali,odrastaju, a neki će tek odrastati.
Nikada neće izaći iz mode,uvek u korak sa napretkom,korak ispred svog vremena.
Krasile su naše police i krasiće ih još mnogo,mnogo vremena.
Ovo nije preporuka dana,nedelje ili možda meseca-već preporuka za ceo život.
Ponekad bake i deke čitaju svojim unucima,neretko bude i obrnuto.
Uživajte u životu-maštajte,jer čarolija nikad ne prestaje.
Ne sudi o knjizi po koricama!
Lično preuzimanje na adresi u Dobanovcima.
▶ ➔ ➘ ➙ ➚ ➛ ➜ ➝ ➞ ➟ ➠ ➡ ➢➣ ➤ ➥ ➦ ↪ ↩ ↚ ↛ ↜ ↝ ↞ ↟ ↠ ⚜ ✥ ✤ ✻ ✼ ✽ ✾ ❀ ✿ ❁ ❃ ❇ ❈ ❉ ❊ ❋ ⚘ ⁕ ꙮ ꕤ ꕥ ☘ ♥ ☺

Predmet: 70030637
I izdanje
LYNX BOOKS New York 1989.

У изненадном нападу на француско тло, терористи ПЛО-а предвођени озлоглашеним Абу Нидалом отимају Мориса Шумахера, врхунског израелског нуклеарног научника. Њихов циљ: уништити израелски програм нуклеарног наоружања и извести масован напад на свим границама. Мосад шаље свог најбољег оперативца, Аврама Земила, у Париз у очајничку мисију спасавања без Шумахерових кључних компјутерских чипова са подацима, Израел не може да развије стратешко оружје. Земил се пробија кроз смртоносну мрежу Нидалових убица, само да би пронашао Шумахера убијеног. Тркајући се са временом, он проналази микрочипове и креће у луди јуриш по Европи да их врати у Израел. Гоне немилосрдних убица, а његови контакти су постали издајници, Земил мора да стигне до ратом разореног Бејрута и до коначног експлозивног сукоба са Нидалом који ће заувек одлучити о судбини његове нације.

GARY KRISS has been stringing together words for longer than he cares to remember, including for The New York Times where he wrote critically acclaimed feature articles.

Born in the great borough of Brooklyn, Gary was raised in the Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee, near Dolly Parton’s home town, although he has never shown any vocal ability. He did, however, fall under the spell of the South’s rich literary heritage and to this day remains bewitched by it.

Gary studied philosophy and sociology as an undergraduate and did his graduate work in sociology and psychology at The New School for Social Research. A former journalism, communication arts and marketing professor, he was named a Research Associate at Williams College in recognition of his writing.

Like the protagonist of THE ZODIAC DECEPTION, Gary`s an accomplished mentalist, magician and ventriloquist. He’s a member of the Society of American Magicians, founded by Houdini, and of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. He’s also an active member of the International Thriller Writers, the Mystery Writers of America, the Horror Writers of America and, because he’s a hopeless romantic, the Romance Writers of America.

Currently he’s working on his next novel, THE HOUDINI KILLER, a prequel to THE ZODIAC DECEPTION. True to form, he’s writing it either in a coffee house or a bookstore rather than in his Westchester County, NY home, which has been invaded by research material, an unruly horde the likes of which have not seen since the glory days of the Vikings and the Goths.

Beyond that, his main concern is making his lovely wife, Pat, his publisher, his editor, his agents, his dog and his cat proud of him. He still holds out hope that he can win over the dog.
70030637 Final option  Gary Kriss  I izdanje 1989.

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