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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Fizika
Autor: Strani

Lepo očuvano

Solid State Physics by G. I. Epifanov ( Mir Publishers Moscow, 1979, Hardcover )

Author: G. I. Epifanov, D.Sc. Publisher: Mir Publishers, Moscow. Title: Solid State Physics. Printed in: Moscow, Russian Federation. Edition 1st English Edition 1979


This is a book which covers the topic of solid state physics comprehensively. Starting from the structure of matter and various types of bonds in the first chapter the mechanical properties are treated in the second chapter. The second chapter also includes a discussion of Hooke`s Law, plastic flow, dislocations, elasticity etc. The third chapter deals with statistical mechanics and discusses degenerate and non-degenerate ensembles and various distribution functions. The fourth chapter looks at thermal properties of solids with reference to crystal lattice, heat capacity, heat conductivity etc. The fifth chapter discusses band theory of solids with reference to energy spectrum, effective mass and semiconductors. Some of the graphs in this chapter are revealing of the physical processes in the working of band structure. Sixth and seventh chapter deal with electrical and magnetic properties of solids. Sixth chapter also discusses deviations from Ohm`s Law (Section 58). Seventh chapter includes discssion on various types of magnetism their origins, and magnetic properties of solids and atoms along with magnetic resonance. Eighth chapter discusses contact phenomenon, work functions between different of materials including p-n junctions. The last chapter discusses thermoelectric and galvanomagnetic phenomena including Seeback effect, Peltier effect, Thomson effect and some of their practical applications.

As in the first edition, the presentation of material has followed the aim of elucidating the physical nature of the phenomena dis­cussed. But, where possible, the qualitative relations are also pre­sented, often though without rigorous mathematics.

The book was translated from the Russian by Mark Samokhvalov and was published by Mir in 1979.

Preface 5

1 Bonding. The Internal Structure of Solids

§ 1 The van der Waals forces 11
§ 2 The ionic bond 15
§ 3 The covalent bond 16
§ 4 The metallic bond 21
§ 5 The hydrogen bond 22
§ 6 Comparison between bonds of various kinds 23
§ 7 Forces of repulsion 24
§ 8 Crystal lattice 25
§ 9 Notation used to describe sites, directions, and planes in a crystal 29
§10 Classification of solids based on the nature of bonds 32
§11 Polymorphism 38
§12 Imperfections and defects of the crystal lattice 42

2 Mechanical Properties of Solids

§ 13 Elastic and plastic deformations. Hooke’s law 46
§ 14 Principal laws governing plastic flow in crystals 51
§ 15 Mechanical twinning 55
§ 16 Theoretical and real shear strengths of crystals 56
§ 17 The dislocation concept. Principal types of dislocations 58
§ 18 Forces needed to move dislocations 64
§ 19 Sources of dislocations. Strengthening of crystals 66
§ 20 Brittle strength of solids 71
§ 21 Time dependence of the strength of solids 77
§ 22 Methods of increasing the strength of solids 81

3 Elements of Physical Statistics

§ 23 Methods used to describe the state of a macroscopic system 84
§ 24 Degenerate and nondegenerate ensembles 88
§ 25 The number of states for microscopic particles 91
§ 26 Distribution function for a nondegenerate gas 94
§ 27 Distribution function for a degenerate fermion gas 96
§ 28 Distribution function for a degenerate boson gas 103
§ 29 Rules for statistical averaging 105

4 Thermal Properties of Solids

§ 30 Normal modes of a lattice 107
§ 31 Normal modes spectrum of a lattice 110
§ 32 Phonons 112
§ 33 Heat capacity of solids 115
§ 34 Heat capacity of electron gas 120
§ 35 Thermal expansion of solids 122
§ 36 Heat conductivity of solids 126

5 The Band Theory of Solids

§ 37 Electron energy levels of a free atom 133
§ 38 Collectivization of electrons in a crystal 136
§ 39 Energy spectrum of electrons in a crystal 138
§ 40 Dependence of electron energy on the wave vector 142
§ 41 Effective mass of the electron 147
§ 42 Occupation of bands by electrons. Conductors,dielectrics, and semiconductors 151
§ 43 Intrinsic semiconductors. The concept of a hole 153
§ 44 Impurity semiconductors 156
§ 45 Position of the Fermi level and free carrier concentration in semiconductors 159
§ 46 Nonequilibrium carriers 166

6 Electrical Conductivity of Solids

§ 47 Equilibrium state of electron gas in a conductor in the absence of an electric field 169
§ 48 Electron drift in an electric field 170
§ 49 Relaxation time and mean free path 171
§ 50 Specific conductance of a conductor 173
§ 51 Electrical conductivity of nondegenerate and degenerate gases 174
§ 52 Wiedemann-Franz-Lorenz law 176
§ 53 Temperature dependence of carrier mobility 177
§ 54 Electrical conductivity of pure metals 183
§ 55 Electrical conductivity of metal alloys 184
§ 56 Intrinsic conductivity of semiconductors 188
§ 57 Impurity (extrinsic) conductivity of semiconductors 190
§ 58 Deviation from Ohm’s law. The effect ofa strong field 193
§ 59 The Gunn effect 195
§ 60 Photoconductivity of semiconductors 196
§ 61 Luminescence 203
§ 62 Fundamentals of superconductivity 207

7 Magnetic Properties of Solids

§ 63 Magnetic field in magnetic materials 224
§ 64 Magnetic properties of solids 225
§ 65 Magnetic properties of atoms 232
§ 66 Origin of diamagnetism 238
§ 67 Origin of paramagnetism 240
§ 68 Origin of ferromagnetism 247
§ 69 Antiferromagnetism 254
§ 70 Ferrimagnetism. Ferrites 255 § 71 Magnetic resonance 257
§ 72 Fundamentals of quantum electronics 259

8 Contact Phenomena

§ 73 Work function 265
§ 74 Contact of two metals 268
§ 75 The metal-semiconductor contact 271
§ 76 Contact between two semiconductors of different types of conductivity 278
§ 77 Physical principles of semiconductor p~n junction devices 288 § 78 Fundamentals of integrated circuit electronics (microelectron­
ics) 299

9 Thermoeleletric and Galvanomagnetic Phenomena

§ 79 The Seebeck effect 302.
§ 80 The Peltier effect 307
§ 81 The Thomson effect 310
§ 82 Galvanomagnetic phenomena 310
§ 83 Practical applications of thermoelectric and galvanomag­netic phenomena 315


I Derivation of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function 317
II Derivation of the Fermi-Dirac distribution function 318
III Derivation of the Bose-Einstein distribution function 320
IV Tables 321

Glossary of Symbols and Notations 322
Bibliography 326 Index 329

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Ukoliko Vam neka pošiljka ne stigne za dva ili tri dana, odmah nas kontaktirajte za broj pošiljke kako bi videli u čemu je problem. Ne čekajte da prođe više vremena, pogotovo ako ste iz inostranstva, jer nakon određenog vremena pošiljke se vraćaju pošiljaocu, tako da bi morali da platimo troškove povratka i ponovnog slanja. Potvrde o slanju čuvamo do 10 dana. U 99% slučajeva sve prolazi glatko, ali nikad se ne zna.

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Predmet: 74843673
Lepo očuvano

Solid State Physics by G. I. Epifanov ( Mir Publishers Moscow, 1979, Hardcover )

Author: G. I. Epifanov, D.Sc. Publisher: Mir Publishers, Moscow. Title: Solid State Physics. Printed in: Moscow, Russian Federation. Edition 1st English Edition 1979


This is a book which covers the topic of solid state physics comprehensively. Starting from the structure of matter and various types of bonds in the first chapter the mechanical properties are treated in the second chapter. The second chapter also includes a discussion of Hooke`s Law, plastic flow, dislocations, elasticity etc. The third chapter deals with statistical mechanics and discusses degenerate and non-degenerate ensembles and various distribution functions. The fourth chapter looks at thermal properties of solids with reference to crystal lattice, heat capacity, heat conductivity etc. The fifth chapter discusses band theory of solids with reference to energy spectrum, effective mass and semiconductors. Some of the graphs in this chapter are revealing of the physical processes in the working of band structure. Sixth and seventh chapter deal with electrical and magnetic properties of solids. Sixth chapter also discusses deviations from Ohm`s Law (Section 58). Seventh chapter includes discssion on various types of magnetism their origins, and magnetic properties of solids and atoms along with magnetic resonance. Eighth chapter discusses contact phenomenon, work functions between different of materials including p-n junctions. The last chapter discusses thermoelectric and galvanomagnetic phenomena including Seeback effect, Peltier effect, Thomson effect and some of their practical applications.

As in the first edition, the presentation of material has followed the aim of elucidating the physical nature of the phenomena dis­cussed. But, where possible, the qualitative relations are also pre­sented, often though without rigorous mathematics.

The book was translated from the Russian by Mark Samokhvalov and was published by Mir in 1979.

Preface 5

1 Bonding. The Internal Structure of Solids

§ 1 The van der Waals forces 11
§ 2 The ionic bond 15
§ 3 The covalent bond 16
§ 4 The metallic bond 21
§ 5 The hydrogen bond 22
§ 6 Comparison between bonds of various kinds 23
§ 7 Forces of repulsion 24
§ 8 Crystal lattice 25
§ 9 Notation used to describe sites, directions, and planes in a crystal 29
§10 Classification of solids based on the nature of bonds 32
§11 Polymorphism 38
§12 Imperfections and defects of the crystal lattice 42

2 Mechanical Properties of Solids

§ 13 Elastic and plastic deformations. Hooke’s law 46
§ 14 Principal laws governing plastic flow in crystals 51
§ 15 Mechanical twinning 55
§ 16 Theoretical and real shear strengths of crystals 56
§ 17 The dislocation concept. Principal types of dislocations 58
§ 18 Forces needed to move dislocations 64
§ 19 Sources of dislocations. Strengthening of crystals 66
§ 20 Brittle strength of solids 71
§ 21 Time dependence of the strength of solids 77
§ 22 Methods of increasing the strength of solids 81

3 Elements of Physical Statistics

§ 23 Methods used to describe the state of a macroscopic system 84
§ 24 Degenerate and nondegenerate ensembles 88
§ 25 The number of states for microscopic particles 91
§ 26 Distribution function for a nondegenerate gas 94
§ 27 Distribution function for a degenerate fermion gas 96
§ 28 Distribution function for a degenerate boson gas 103
§ 29 Rules for statistical averaging 105

4 Thermal Properties of Solids

§ 30 Normal modes of a lattice 107
§ 31 Normal modes spectrum of a lattice 110
§ 32 Phonons 112
§ 33 Heat capacity of solids 115
§ 34 Heat capacity of electron gas 120
§ 35 Thermal expansion of solids 122
§ 36 Heat conductivity of solids 126

5 The Band Theory of Solids

§ 37 Electron energy levels of a free atom 133
§ 38 Collectivization of electrons in a crystal 136
§ 39 Energy spectrum of electrons in a crystal 138
§ 40 Dependence of electron energy on the wave vector 142
§ 41 Effective mass of the electron 147
§ 42 Occupation of bands by electrons. Conductors,dielectrics, and semiconductors 151
§ 43 Intrinsic semiconductors. The concept of a hole 153
§ 44 Impurity semiconductors 156
§ 45 Position of the Fermi level and free carrier concentration in semiconductors 159
§ 46 Nonequilibrium carriers 166

6 Electrical Conductivity of Solids

§ 47 Equilibrium state of electron gas in a conductor in the absence of an electric field 169
§ 48 Electron drift in an electric field 170
§ 49 Relaxation time and mean free path 171
§ 50 Specific conductance of a conductor 173
§ 51 Electrical conductivity of nondegenerate and degenerate gases 174
§ 52 Wiedemann-Franz-Lorenz law 176
§ 53 Temperature dependence of carrier mobility 177
§ 54 Electrical conductivity of pure metals 183
§ 55 Electrical conductivity of metal alloys 184
§ 56 Intrinsic conductivity of semiconductors 188
§ 57 Impurity (extrinsic) conductivity of semiconductors 190
§ 58 Deviation from Ohm’s law. The effect ofa strong field 193
§ 59 The Gunn effect 195
§ 60 Photoconductivity of semiconductors 196
§ 61 Luminescence 203
§ 62 Fundamentals of superconductivity 207

7 Magnetic Properties of Solids

§ 63 Magnetic field in magnetic materials 224
§ 64 Magnetic properties of solids 225
§ 65 Magnetic properties of atoms 232
§ 66 Origin of diamagnetism 238
§ 67 Origin of paramagnetism 240
§ 68 Origin of ferromagnetism 247
§ 69 Antiferromagnetism 254
§ 70 Ferrimagnetism. Ferrites 255 § 71 Magnetic resonance 257
§ 72 Fundamentals of quantum electronics 259

8 Contact Phenomena

§ 73 Work function 265
§ 74 Contact of two metals 268
§ 75 The metal-semiconductor contact 271
§ 76 Contact between two semiconductors of different types of conductivity 278
§ 77 Physical principles of semiconductor p~n junction devices 288 § 78 Fundamentals of integrated circuit electronics (microelectron­
ics) 299

9 Thermoeleletric and Galvanomagnetic Phenomena

§ 79 The Seebeck effect 302.
§ 80 The Peltier effect 307
§ 81 The Thomson effect 310
§ 82 Galvanomagnetic phenomena 310
§ 83 Practical applications of thermoelectric and galvanomag­netic phenomena 315


I Derivation of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function 317
II Derivation of the Fermi-Dirac distribution function 318
III Derivation of the Bose-Einstein distribution function 320
IV Tables 321

Glossary of Symbols and Notations 322
Bibliography 326 Index 329

Fizika strucna literatura iz fizike naucne knjige prirodne nauke
74843673 Epifanov SOLID STATE PHYSICS

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