
Merač vlage NF-568

3.376 din
Stanje: Nekorišćen
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: BEX
Post Express
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Zemun,
Prodavac (1291)

96,92% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 2134

  Pošalji poruku

Svi predmeti člana

Kupindo zaštita

Proizvedeno u : Aziji
Proizvođač: Ostalo

- Digital Wood Moisture Meter For Lumber Building Material, Pins-style, Ambient Temperature Measurement,
- With two high-precision pins, the wood moisture meter measures the moisture content of wood accurately and reliably, ensuring wood products are stored and handled properly,
- With a backlit LED screen, you can read it easily, and the Hold key freezes the reading for you. It can also measure moisture max/min and display temperature in C/F. Professionals and DIYers can use it with little training or experience,
- With a wide measurement range, this lumber moisture meter is suitable for testing wood (6%-50%) and building materials (0-9%),
- A wood moisture tester with an ambient temperature characteristic can provide more accurate readings by compensating for the temperature of the wood being measured. This makes it a more versatile and reliable instrument,
- It is made of high-quality plastic to withstand heavy use, making it a dependable tool for every task.

- Svi uređaji su nekorišćeni i testirani su pre slanja; dajemo radnu garanciju da stižu u funkcionalnom stanju.
- Rok za reklamacije je 7 dana od dana preuzimanja robe.
- Sva komunikacija sa kupcima obavlja se isključivo putem Kupindo/Limundo poruka, izuzev u situacijama kada je neophodan i telefonski kontakt.
- Isporuka robe vrši se:
* Kurirskom službom POST EXPRESS- pouzećem. Vrednost robe i troškove poštarine (oko 190 dinara) i transfera novca (oko 50 dinara) plaćate kuriru po preuzimanju pošiljke,
* Kurirskom službom POST EXPRESS, uz avansnu uplatu vrednosti robe na tekući račun. U ovom slučaju, potrebno je izvršiti avansnu uplatu vrednosti robe i troškova poštarine (150 dinara) na tekući račun,
* POŠTOM, kao preporučena pošiljka. U ovom slučaju, potrebno je izvršiti avansnu uplatu vrednosti robe i troškova poštarine (80 dinara) na tekući račun,
* Broj tekućeg računa na koji možete izvršiti uplatu je:160-5100100460990-94.
- Nakon izvršene kupovine neophodno je da kupac izvrši potvrdu kupovine i svojih podataka putem poruke u roku predviđenom Kupindo/Limundo pravilnikom. Ukoliko u propisanom roku ne dobijemo potvrdu, smatra se da je kupac odustao od kupovine,
- Svi predmeti se šalju najkasnije 24 časa nakon dobijene potvrde, osim u izuzetnim situacijama,
- Lično preuzimanje robe NIJE MOGUĆE.
- Stalni kupci ostvaruju pravo na popuste pri kupovini.

Predmet: 77484517
- Digital Wood Moisture Meter For Lumber Building Material, Pins-style, Ambient Temperature Measurement,
- With two high-precision pins, the wood moisture meter measures the moisture content of wood accurately and reliably, ensuring wood products are stored and handled properly,
- With a backlit LED screen, you can read it easily, and the Hold key freezes the reading for you. It can also measure moisture max/min and display temperature in C/F. Professionals and DIYers can use it with little training or experience,
- With a wide measurement range, this lumber moisture meter is suitable for testing wood (6%-50%) and building materials (0-9%),
- A wood moisture tester with an ambient temperature characteristic can provide more accurate readings by compensating for the temperature of the wood being measured. This makes it a more versatile and reliable instrument,
- It is made of high-quality plastic to withstand heavy use, making it a dependable tool for every task.
77484517 Merač vlage NF-568

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