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Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
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Isporuka: CC paket (Pošta)
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Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Zvezdara,

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Den Simons - Leto noći na engleskom, stanje kao na slikama.

Summer of Night is the first in a series of horror novels by American writer Dan Simmons, published in 1991 by Warner Aspect. It was nominated for a British Fantasy Award in 1992.[1] The subsequent books are Children of the Night (1992), Fires of Eden (1994) and A Winter Haunting (2002).

Set in Elm Haven, Illinois, in 1960, Summer of Night recounts its five pre-teen protagonists` discovery that eerie, terrifying events are unfolding in the Old Central School. Operatives, including a dead soldier; giant worms with rows of sharp, serrated teeth; the animated corpse of a deceased teacher; schoolyard bullies; the driver of a rendering truck; their school teacher, and the principal of the school, serve a centuries-old evil that seeks to be reborn in their time — and in their town. It is only by banding together that the pre-teens can hope to defeat the monstrosity before it destroys them, their friends, their families — and, possibly, the world.

The sequel to Summer of Night is A Winter Haunting, in which Dale Stewart, now grown, returns to Elm Haven. Another sequel is Children of the Night, which features Mike O`Rourke, now a Roman Catholic priest, who is sent on a mission to investigate bizarre events in a European city. Another Summer of Night character, Dale`s younger brother, Lawrence Stewart, appears as a minor character in Simmons` thriller Darwin`s Blade, while the adult Cordie Cooke appears in Fires of Eden.

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Predmet: 77845169
Den Simons - Leto noći na engleskom, stanje kao na slikama.

Summer of Night is the first in a series of horror novels by American writer Dan Simmons, published in 1991 by Warner Aspect. It was nominated for a British Fantasy Award in 1992.[1] The subsequent books are Children of the Night (1992), Fires of Eden (1994) and A Winter Haunting (2002).

Set in Elm Haven, Illinois, in 1960, Summer of Night recounts its five pre-teen protagonists` discovery that eerie, terrifying events are unfolding in the Old Central School. Operatives, including a dead soldier; giant worms with rows of sharp, serrated teeth; the animated corpse of a deceased teacher; schoolyard bullies; the driver of a rendering truck; their school teacher, and the principal of the school, serve a centuries-old evil that seeks to be reborn in their time — and in their town. It is only by banding together that the pre-teens can hope to defeat the monstrosity before it destroys them, their friends, their families — and, possibly, the world.

The sequel to Summer of Night is A Winter Haunting, in which Dale Stewart, now grown, returns to Elm Haven. Another sequel is Children of the Night, which features Mike O`Rourke, now a Roman Catholic priest, who is sent on a mission to investigate bizarre events in a European city. Another Summer of Night character, Dale`s younger brother, Lawrence Stewart, appears as a minor character in Simmons` thriller Darwin`s Blade, while the adult Cordie Cooke appears in Fires of Eden.
77845169 SUMMER OF NIGHT - Dan Simmons

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