
The Easter Parade - Richard Yates

150 din
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Grad: Beograd-Ralja,

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

The Easter Parade
Novel by Richard Yates

238 strana
manji format
stranice požutele, nedostaje donji ćošak prednje korice, korice iskrzane

The famous opening line of the novel warns of the bleak narrative to follow: `Neither of the Grimes sisters would have a happy life, and looking back it always seemed that the trouble began with their parents` divorce.` Emily and Sarah are sisters who share little in terms of character, but much in terms of disappointment with their lives. Emily, the younger and more intellectual and cosmopolitan of the two, seeks love in numerous disappointing affairs and short-term relationships. Sarah, the prettier and more conventional one, marries young and bears children to an uncouth and abusive husband.

The novel begins in the 1930s, when the sisters are children, and ends in the 1970s several years after Sarah`s death. It primarily revolves around Emily as the book`s central character, though the book employs Yates` characteristic shifts of consciousness throughout. Their troubled, rootless mother `Pookie`, like many Yatesian matriarchs, is likely modeled on his own mother, who was nicknamed `Dookie`.

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Predmet: 59511215
The Easter Parade
Novel by Richard Yates

238 strana
manji format
stranice požutele, nedostaje donji ćošak prednje korice, korice iskrzane

The famous opening line of the novel warns of the bleak narrative to follow: `Neither of the Grimes sisters would have a happy life, and looking back it always seemed that the trouble began with their parents` divorce.` Emily and Sarah are sisters who share little in terms of character, but much in terms of disappointment with their lives. Emily, the younger and more intellectual and cosmopolitan of the two, seeks love in numerous disappointing affairs and short-term relationships. Sarah, the prettier and more conventional one, marries young and bears children to an uncouth and abusive husband.

The novel begins in the 1930s, when the sisters are children, and ends in the 1970s several years after Sarah`s death. It primarily revolves around Emily as the book`s central character, though the book employs Yates` characteristic shifts of consciousness throughout. Their troubled, rootless mother `Pookie`, like many Yatesian matriarchs, is likely modeled on his own mother, who was nicknamed `Dookie`.
59511215 The Easter Parade - Richard Yates

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