
The Heart of Buddhist Meditation

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2014.
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Meditacija, budizam
Autor: Strani

The Heart of Buddhist Meditation: The Buddha`s Way of Mindfulness
by Nyanaponika Thera

260 strana.

Knjiga ima posvetu na predlistu i podvlačenja na 10-ak strana na početku, sem toga je očuvana.

This is a classic text on the essence of Buddhist meditation. It is an excellent, indepth description of mindfulness practice and its benefits. It includes a concise explanation of clear comprehension, which is the kind of mindfulness you use in the course of your daily life. It also presents an easily understandable explanation of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness.

This new edition includes an introduction from noted author and teacher Sylvia Boorstein.

Although the Buddha lived over 2500 years ago, his teachings on meditation are among the most effective methods for healing the pain of grief, finding inner peace, and overcoming the sense of dislocation caused by living in the 21st century. Mindfulness is a method not only for committed Buddhists. It is for everyone interested in mastering the mind.

From the introduction by Sylvia Boorstein
The Heart of Buddhist Meditation was the first serious, didactic Dharma book I read. It was the early nineteeneighties. My teacher, Jack Kornfield, suggested it as the beginning formal training of my becoming a Mindfulness teacher. I have that original copy and I am touched by how many underlined passages, how many exclamation points in margins, how many addendums of my own written in tiny scrawl appear in its fading pages.

Lično preuzimanje se odnosi na preuzimanje u Smederevskoj Palanci.

Kada je o prodaji knjiga reč, pod `organizovanim transportom` smatram preporučenu tiskovinu ili paket (kada su kompleti i teže knjige). To je najpovoljniji način slanja, knjiga ponekad stiže za dan, ali obično ne, i poštar ne zove primaoca telefonom. (Prilikom kupovine se čekira `Pošta` ili `Organizovani transport`, koji u zavisnosti od toga kada je knjiga stavljena u prodaju ima i zastarele cene poštarine).

Post Express je dvostruko skuplji ali brže stiže.

Običnu tiskovinu ne šaljem jer nemam dokaz o slanju. Molim Vas da ako insistirate na običnoj tiskovini, knjige ne kupujete od mene.

Novi cenovnik Pošte za preporučenu tiskovinu - organizovani transport (cene su zaokružene):

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Ne postoji opcija slanja preporučene tiskovine teže od 2 kg, tako da se te pošiljke šalju kao paket.

Molim kupce iz inostranstva da me pre kupovine kontaktiraju porukom kako bismo se dogovorili oko uslova uplaćivanja i slanja. Ovo je veoma bitno, između ostalog, i zbog toga što su poštarine Pošte Srbije visoke i za zemlje u okruženju jer se pošiljke šalju isključivo avionom.

Besplatna poštarina se ne odnosi na slanje u inostranstvo.

Pogledajte i ponudu na:

Ukoliko i tamo nešto pronađete, platićete preko istog računa i uštedeti na poštarini.

Sva komunikacija se obavlja putem Kupindo poruka.

Predmet: 77761601
The Heart of Buddhist Meditation: The Buddha`s Way of Mindfulness
by Nyanaponika Thera

260 strana.

Knjiga ima posvetu na predlistu i podvlačenja na 10-ak strana na početku, sem toga je očuvana.

This is a classic text on the essence of Buddhist meditation. It is an excellent, indepth description of mindfulness practice and its benefits. It includes a concise explanation of clear comprehension, which is the kind of mindfulness you use in the course of your daily life. It also presents an easily understandable explanation of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness.

This new edition includes an introduction from noted author and teacher Sylvia Boorstein.

Although the Buddha lived over 2500 years ago, his teachings on meditation are among the most effective methods for healing the pain of grief, finding inner peace, and overcoming the sense of dislocation caused by living in the 21st century. Mindfulness is a method not only for committed Buddhists. It is for everyone interested in mastering the mind.

From the introduction by Sylvia Boorstein
The Heart of Buddhist Meditation was the first serious, didactic Dharma book I read. It was the early nineteeneighties. My teacher, Jack Kornfield, suggested it as the beginning formal training of my becoming a Mindfulness teacher. I have that original copy and I am touched by how many underlined passages, how many exclamation points in margins, how many addendums of my own written in tiny scrawl appear in its fading pages.
77761601 The Heart of Buddhist Meditation

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