
The Origins of Backwardness in Eastern Europe

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1991.
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

The Origins of Backwardness in Eastern Europe: Economics and Politics from the Middle Ages until the Early Twentieth Century / Edited by Daniel Chirot

Berkli, SAD 1991. Mek povez, engleski jezik, IX + 260 strana.
Napomena: na tridesetak strana tragovi grafitne olovke (uredno obeležen tekst - kao na fotografiji); ako se to izuzme, knjiga je odlično očuvana.

Reaching back centuries, this study makes a convincing case for very deep roots of current Eastern European backwardness. Its conclusions are suggestive for comparativists studying other parts of the world, and useful to those who want to understand contemporary Eastern Europe`s past. Like the rest of the world except for that unique part of the West which has given us a false model of what was `normal,` Eastern Europe developed slowly. The weight of established class relations, geography, lack of technological innovation, and wars kept the area from growing richer.

In the nineteenth century the West exerted a powerful influence, but it was political more than economic. Nationalism and the creation of newly independent aspiring nation-states then began to shape national economies, often in unfavorable ways.

One of this book`s most important lessons is that while economics may limit the freedom of action of political players, it does not determine political outcomes. The authors offer no simple explanations but rather a theoretically complex synthesis that demonstrates the interaction of politics and economics.

`An imprtant topic not only in is own right, but it also expands vistas in our understanding of historical processes in general.
Chirot`s succinct is a good guide through the book.`
—John Komlos, Journal of Interdisciplinary History

`A uniformly high-quality blend of social science theory and history.... recent revolution in Eastern Europe guarantees a captive audience for a book of this title. The book definitely deserves to be widely read , especially by westem economists and political scientists who are shaping policy in the countries of the former eastern bloc.` — David F. Good, Journal of Economic History

`[The Origins of in Eastan Europe] may serve to remind euphoric commentators on recent evens that involvement in the world market does not generate success; and that unbridled nationalism undermines democracy` —Philip Longworth, Tints Litaary Supplanent

1. Causes and Consequences of Backwardness / Daniel Chirot
2. Economic Backwardness in Eastern Europe in Light of
Developments in the West / Robert Brenner
3. Agrarian Systems of Central and Eastern Europe / Péter Gunst
4. The Polish Economy and the Evolution of Dependency / Jacek Kochanowicz
5. Tradition and Rural Change in Southeastern Europe
During Ottoman Rule / Fikret Adanir
6. Imperial Borderlands or Capitalist Periphery? Redefining Balkan Backwardness, 1520—1914 / John R. Lampe
7. The Social Origins of East European Politics / Gale Stokes

Predmet: 75484173
The Origins of Backwardness in Eastern Europe: Economics and Politics from the Middle Ages until the Early Twentieth Century / Edited by Daniel Chirot

Berkli, SAD 1991. Mek povez, engleski jezik, IX + 260 strana.
Napomena: na tridesetak strana tragovi grafitne olovke (uredno obeležen tekst - kao na fotografiji); ako se to izuzme, knjiga je odlično očuvana.

Reaching back centuries, this study makes a convincing case for very deep roots of current Eastern European backwardness. Its conclusions are suggestive for comparativists studying other parts of the world, and useful to those who want to understand contemporary Eastern Europe`s past. Like the rest of the world except for that unique part of the West which has given us a false model of what was `normal,` Eastern Europe developed slowly. The weight of established class relations, geography, lack of technological innovation, and wars kept the area from growing richer.

In the nineteenth century the West exerted a powerful influence, but it was political more than economic. Nationalism and the creation of newly independent aspiring nation-states then began to shape national economies, often in unfavorable ways.

One of this book`s most important lessons is that while economics may limit the freedom of action of political players, it does not determine political outcomes. The authors offer no simple explanations but rather a theoretically complex synthesis that demonstrates the interaction of politics and economics.

`An imprtant topic not only in is own right, but it also expands vistas in our understanding of historical processes in general.
Chirot`s succinct is a good guide through the book.`
—John Komlos, Journal of Interdisciplinary History

`A uniformly high-quality blend of social science theory and history.... recent revolution in Eastern Europe guarantees a captive audience for a book of this title. The book definitely deserves to be widely read , especially by westem economists and political scientists who are shaping policy in the countries of the former eastern bloc.` — David F. Good, Journal of Economic History

`[The Origins of in Eastan Europe] may serve to remind euphoric commentators on recent evens that involvement in the world market does not generate success; and that unbridled nationalism undermines democracy` —Philip Longworth, Tints Litaary Supplanent

1. Causes and Consequences of Backwardness / Daniel Chirot
2. Economic Backwardness in Eastern Europe in Light of
Developments in the West / Robert Brenner
3. Agrarian Systems of Central and Eastern Europe / Péter Gunst
4. The Polish Economy and the Evolution of Dependency / Jacek Kochanowicz
5. Tradition and Rural Change in Southeastern Europe
During Ottoman Rule / Fikret Adanir
6. Imperial Borderlands or Capitalist Periphery? Redefining Balkan Backwardness, 1520—1914 / John R. Lampe
7. The Social Origins of East European Politics / Gale Stokes

75484173 The Origins of Backwardness in Eastern Europe

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