
CHARLES II - Portrait of an Age - Tony Palmer

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1979
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

odlično stanje, unutra kao nova

Charles II: Portrait of an Age
Tony Palmer

Tony Palmer (born 29 August 1941 in London)[1] is a British film director and author.[2] His work includes over 100 films, ranging from early works with The Beatles, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Rory Gallagher (Irish Tour `74) and Frank Zappa (200 Motels), to his classical portraits which include profiles of Maria Callas, Margot Fonteyn, John Osborne, Igor Stravinsky, Richard Wagner, Yehudi Menuhin, Carl Orff, Benjamin Britten and Ralph Vaughan Williams. He is also a stage director of theatre and opera.

Among over 40 international prizes for his work are 12 Gold Medals from the New York Film Festival as well as numerous BAFTAs and Emmy Awards. Palmer has won the Prix Italia twice,[3] for A Time There Was in 1980 and At the Haunted End of the Day in 1981. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, and an honorary citizen of both New Orleans and Athens.

Born Under a Bad Sign (1970)
The Trials of Oz (1971)
Electric Revolution (1971)
The Things I Love – Liberace (1976)
All You Need Is Love (1976)
Charles II: Portrait of an Age (1979)
Julian Bream: A Life on the Road. London: Macdonald, 1982. ISBN 0-356-07880-9. Text by Palmer, photographs by Daniel Meadows.
Menuhin: A Family Story (1991)

Charles II (29 May 1630 – 6 February 1685)[c] was king of England, Scotland and Ireland. He was king of Scotland from 1649 until his deposition in 1651, and king of England, Scotland and Ireland from the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 until his death.

Charles II`s father, Charles I, was executed at Whitehall on 30 January 1649, at the climax of the English Civil War. Although the Parliament of Scotland proclaimed Charles II king on 5 February 1649, England entered the period known as the English Interregnum or the English Commonwealth, and the country was a de facto republic, led by Oliver Cromwell. Cromwell defeated Charles II at the Battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651, and Charles fled to mainland Europe. Cromwell became virtual dictator of England, Scotland and Ireland. Charles spent the next nine years in exile in France, the Dutch Republic and the Spanish Netherlands. A political crisis that followed the death of Cromwell in 1658 resulted in the restoration of the monarchy, and Charles was invited to return to Britain. On 29 May 1660, his 30th birthday, he was received in London to public acclaim. After 1660, all legal documents were dated as if he had succeeded his father as king in 1649.

Charles`s English parliament enacted laws known as the Clarendon Code, designed to shore up the position of the re-established Church of England. Charles acquiesced to the Clarendon Code even though he favoured a policy of religious tolerance. The major foreign policy issue of his early reign was the Second Anglo-Dutch War. In 1670, he entered into the Treaty of Dover, an alliance with his first cousin King Louis XIV of France. Louis agreed to aid him in the Third Anglo-Dutch War and pay him a pension, and Charles secretly promised to convert to Catholicism at an unspecified future date. Charles attempted to introduce religious freedom for Catholics and Protestant dissenters with his 1672 Royal Declaration of Indulgence, but the English Parliament forced him to withdraw it. In 1679, Titus Oates`s revelations of a supposed `Popish Plot` sparked the Exclusion Crisis when it was revealed that Charles`s brother and heir (James, Duke of York) was a Catholic. The crisis saw the birth of the pro-exclusion Whig and anti-exclusion Tory parties. Charles sided with the Tories, and, following the discovery of the Rye House Plot to murder Charles and James in 1683, some Whig leaders were executed or forced into exile. Charles dissolved the English Parliament in 1681, and ruled alone until his death on 6 February 1685. He was received into the Catholic Church on his deathbed.

Charles was one of the most popular and beloved kings of England,[1] known as the Merry Monarch, in reference to both the liveliness and hedonism of his court and the general relief at the return to normality after over a decade of rule by Cromwell and the Puritans. Charles`s wife, Catherine of Braganza, bore no live children, but Charles acknowledged at least twelve illegitimate children by various mistresses. He was succeeded by his brother James.

Чарлс II (енгл. Charles II of England; Лондон, 29. мај 1630. — Лондон, 6. фебруар 1685.) је био краљ Енглеске, Шкотске и Ирске од 29. маја 1660. до 6. фебруара 1685. године.

Поборници монархије сматрају да је Чарлс постао краљ де јуре смакнућем његовог оца Чарлса I, 30. јануара 1649. године. Шкотски парламент га је прогласио краљем Шкота 5. фебруара 1649. године. Крунисан је у Шкотској јануара 1651, али је после пораза у бици код Вустера 3. септембра исте године морао да побегне у избеглиштво. Наредних 9 година провео је у Француској, Холандији и Шпанској Низоземској. Званично је постао краљ 29. маја 1660. након смрти Оливера Кромвела, када га је парламент позвао назад у земљу. Тиме је завршено раздобље комонвелта и започела рестаурација монархије у Енглеској.

По повратку на престо, парламент га је нагнао да учврсти положај Англиканске цркве на рачун пуританаца, иако је сам краљ нагињао религијској толеранцији и римокатолицизму. Главни спољнополитички догађаји његове владавине били су Други и Трећи англо-холандски рат. Завереници су 1683. покушали да убију Чарса и његовог брата Џејмса у житној завери. За живота су га звали Весели монарх, јер је био познат по љубавницама и као хедониста.

Наследио га је брат, Џејмс II.

istorija engleske istorija velike britanije engleski britanski vladari svetska istorija čarls drugi...

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Predmet: 48518277
odlično stanje, unutra kao nova

Charles II: Portrait of an Age
Tony Palmer

Tony Palmer (born 29 August 1941 in London)[1] is a British film director and author.[2] His work includes over 100 films, ranging from early works with The Beatles, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Rory Gallagher (Irish Tour `74) and Frank Zappa (200 Motels), to his classical portraits which include profiles of Maria Callas, Margot Fonteyn, John Osborne, Igor Stravinsky, Richard Wagner, Yehudi Menuhin, Carl Orff, Benjamin Britten and Ralph Vaughan Williams. He is also a stage director of theatre and opera.

Among over 40 international prizes for his work are 12 Gold Medals from the New York Film Festival as well as numerous BAFTAs and Emmy Awards. Palmer has won the Prix Italia twice,[3] for A Time There Was in 1980 and At the Haunted End of the Day in 1981. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, and an honorary citizen of both New Orleans and Athens.

Born Under a Bad Sign (1970)
The Trials of Oz (1971)
Electric Revolution (1971)
The Things I Love – Liberace (1976)
All You Need Is Love (1976)
Charles II: Portrait of an Age (1979)
Julian Bream: A Life on the Road. London: Macdonald, 1982. ISBN 0-356-07880-9. Text by Palmer, photographs by Daniel Meadows.
Menuhin: A Family Story (1991)

Charles II (29 May 1630 – 6 February 1685)[c] was king of England, Scotland and Ireland. He was king of Scotland from 1649 until his deposition in 1651, and king of England, Scotland and Ireland from the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 until his death.

Charles II`s father, Charles I, was executed at Whitehall on 30 January 1649, at the climax of the English Civil War. Although the Parliament of Scotland proclaimed Charles II king on 5 February 1649, England entered the period known as the English Interregnum or the English Commonwealth, and the country was a de facto republic, led by Oliver Cromwell. Cromwell defeated Charles II at the Battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651, and Charles fled to mainland Europe. Cromwell became virtual dictator of England, Scotland and Ireland. Charles spent the next nine years in exile in France, the Dutch Republic and the Spanish Netherlands. A political crisis that followed the death of Cromwell in 1658 resulted in the restoration of the monarchy, and Charles was invited to return to Britain. On 29 May 1660, his 30th birthday, he was received in London to public acclaim. After 1660, all legal documents were dated as if he had succeeded his father as king in 1649.

Charles`s English parliament enacted laws known as the Clarendon Code, designed to shore up the position of the re-established Church of England. Charles acquiesced to the Clarendon Code even though he favoured a policy of religious tolerance. The major foreign policy issue of his early reign was the Second Anglo-Dutch War. In 1670, he entered into the Treaty of Dover, an alliance with his first cousin King Louis XIV of France. Louis agreed to aid him in the Third Anglo-Dutch War and pay him a pension, and Charles secretly promised to convert to Catholicism at an unspecified future date. Charles attempted to introduce religious freedom for Catholics and Protestant dissenters with his 1672 Royal Declaration of Indulgence, but the English Parliament forced him to withdraw it. In 1679, Titus Oates`s revelations of a supposed `Popish Plot` sparked the Exclusion Crisis when it was revealed that Charles`s brother and heir (James, Duke of York) was a Catholic. The crisis saw the birth of the pro-exclusion Whig and anti-exclusion Tory parties. Charles sided with the Tories, and, following the discovery of the Rye House Plot to murder Charles and James in 1683, some Whig leaders were executed or forced into exile. Charles dissolved the English Parliament in 1681, and ruled alone until his death on 6 February 1685. He was received into the Catholic Church on his deathbed.

Charles was one of the most popular and beloved kings of England,[1] known as the Merry Monarch, in reference to both the liveliness and hedonism of his court and the general relief at the return to normality after over a decade of rule by Cromwell and the Puritans. Charles`s wife, Catherine of Braganza, bore no live children, but Charles acknowledged at least twelve illegitimate children by various mistresses. He was succeeded by his brother James.

Чарлс II (енгл. Charles II of England; Лондон, 29. мај 1630. — Лондон, 6. фебруар 1685.) је био краљ Енглеске, Шкотске и Ирске од 29. маја 1660. до 6. фебруара 1685. године.

Поборници монархије сматрају да је Чарлс постао краљ де јуре смакнућем његовог оца Чарлса I, 30. јануара 1649. године. Шкотски парламент га је прогласио краљем Шкота 5. фебруара 1649. године. Крунисан је у Шкотској јануара 1651, али је после пораза у бици код Вустера 3. септембра исте године морао да побегне у избеглиштво. Наредних 9 година провео је у Француској, Холандији и Шпанској Низоземској. Званично је постао краљ 29. маја 1660. након смрти Оливера Кромвела, када га је парламент позвао назад у земљу. Тиме је завршено раздобље комонвелта и започела рестаурација монархије у Енглеској.

По повратку на престо, парламент га је нагнао да учврсти положај Англиканске цркве на рачун пуританаца, иако је сам краљ нагињао религијској толеранцији и римокатолицизму. Главни спољнополитички догађаји његове владавине били су Други и Трећи англо-холандски рат. Завереници су 1683. покушали да убију Чарса и његовог брата Џејмса у житној завери. За живота су га звали Весели монарх, јер је био познат по љубавницама и као хедониста.

Наследио га је брат, Џејмс II.

istorija engleske istorija velike britanije engleski britanski vladari svetska istorija čarls drugi...
48518277 CHARLES II - Portrait of an Age - Tony Palmer

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