
Introduction to Race Relations - Troyna, Cashmore

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
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Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

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Introduction to Race Relations
Barry Troyna, Ellis Cashmore
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983
pp 270

Race power prejudice 30 from the Bible to Darwin 33 All great civilizations 39 Race and capitalism 42 Prejudice 46 Laws labour migration 51 A reserve army 53 Busing 136 life styles life chances 138 Ethnicity youth resistance 144 The mystique of whiteness 147 Asian myth 151 Two different people 154 Babylons burnin 156 Massacres conspiracies fascists 163 Policy of surrender56 From the massive to the substantial60 Swamped?68 Work class inequality72 No way out and up78 Unions83 a hollow facade86 Positive discrimination91 Cities space politics97 Voluntary segregation? 100 Urban ecology 105 Consumption crisis and struggle 109 A nowin moral game 114 Education culture disadvantage 121 the lethal label 127 Repairing the child 132 Tilling the soil of prejudice 170 Young bulldogs 176 the invisible empire 178 Media racism reality 183 Those whom the gods wish to destroy 189 Beyond the pale? 194 The copycat effect 197 News value 200 Conclusion 203 Vicious circle 210 References 212 Name Index 231 Subject Index 235 Title Index

Barry Stephen Troyna (6 September 1951 – 9 February 1996) was a British sociologist of education and anti-racist activist who taught at the University of Warwick.[1] He is known for his writings on racism and racial inequality in education.[2]

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U vrlo dobrom stanju

Introduction to Race Relations
Barry Troyna, Ellis Cashmore
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983
pp 270

Race power prejudice 30 from the Bible to Darwin 33 All great civilizations 39 Race and capitalism 42 Prejudice 46 Laws labour migration 51 A reserve army 53 Busing 136 life styles life chances 138 Ethnicity youth resistance 144 The mystique of whiteness 147 Asian myth 151 Two different people 154 Babylons burnin 156 Massacres conspiracies fascists 163 Policy of surrender56 From the massive to the substantial60 Swamped?68 Work class inequality72 No way out and up78 Unions83 a hollow facade86 Positive discrimination91 Cities space politics97 Voluntary segregation? 100 Urban ecology 105 Consumption crisis and struggle 109 A nowin moral game 114 Education culture disadvantage 121 the lethal label 127 Repairing the child 132 Tilling the soil of prejudice 170 Young bulldogs 176 the invisible empire 178 Media racism reality 183 Those whom the gods wish to destroy 189 Beyond the pale? 194 The copycat effect 197 News value 200 Conclusion 203 Vicious circle 210 References 212 Name Index 231 Subject Index 235 Title Index

Barry Stephen Troyna (6 September 1951 – 9 February 1996) was a British sociologist of education and anti-racist activist who taught at the University of Warwick.[1] He is known for his writings on racism and racial inequality in education.[2]

77753837 Introduction to Race Relations - Troyna, Cashmore

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