
Complex Variable Theory and Transform Calculus

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Grad: Beograd-Krnjača,

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1953
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Matematika
Autor: Strani

Autor: N. W. McLachlan
Izdavač: Cambridge University Press
Broj strana: 388
Povez: tvrd + omot
Visina: 23 cm
Stanje: ★★★★★

The purpose of this book is to give a treatment of the so-called operational method and to illustrate its application to problems in various branches of technology. It is written primarily for technologists who use mathematics in solving technical problems in industrial and applied research work, and the treatment is sufficiently rigorous for their needs. The theory of the complex variable and of transform calculus occupy the first half of the book. A further third of the book describes the application of this theory to problems arising in electrical circuits; vibrational systems; aeroplane dynamics; the deflexion of beams; radio and television receivers; the solution of partial differential equations; electrical transmission limes; electrical wave filters; solenoids with metal cores; condenser microphones; loud speaker horns and the absorption of moisture.

Predmetne odrednice: kompleksne varijable, Beselova funkcija, Melinova inverzna formula, električna kola, radio i tv risiveri, televizija, transmisija, struja, toplota, matematički dokazi

Slanje nakon uplate na tekući račun. Lično preuzimanje posle 17h u Krnjači ili Kotežu.

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Internacionalna saradnja je moguća. U tom slučaju, kupac snosi troškove za međunarodni prenos novca, čiji iznos varira u zavisnosti od vida prenosa.

Predmet: 56318975
Autor: N. W. McLachlan
Izdavač: Cambridge University Press
Broj strana: 388
Povez: tvrd + omot
Visina: 23 cm
Stanje: ★★★★★

The purpose of this book is to give a treatment of the so-called operational method and to illustrate its application to problems in various branches of technology. It is written primarily for technologists who use mathematics in solving technical problems in industrial and applied research work, and the treatment is sufficiently rigorous for their needs. The theory of the complex variable and of transform calculus occupy the first half of the book. A further third of the book describes the application of this theory to problems arising in electrical circuits; vibrational systems; aeroplane dynamics; the deflexion of beams; radio and television receivers; the solution of partial differential equations; electrical transmission limes; electrical wave filters; solenoids with metal cores; condenser microphones; loud speaker horns and the absorption of moisture.

Predmetne odrednice: kompleksne varijable, Beselova funkcija, Melinova inverzna formula, električna kola, radio i tv risiveri, televizija, transmisija, struja, toplota, matematički dokazi
56318975 Complex Variable Theory and Transform Calculus

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