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Trusted Mole - A Soldier`s Journey into Bosnia Heart of Darkness

Milosh Radomir Vladimir Stankovic MBE (born December 1962) is a former British Army officer and author of the Bosnian war memoire Trusted Mole.
Early years[edit]
Stankovic was born in Southern Rhodesia. His father, a naturalised British, was a Royalist Yugoslav during WW2. His mother was British and served with the 8th Army at the battle of El Alamein in Egypt 1942–43, Italy 1944 and in Yugoslavia in 1945. The family returned to London from Rhodesia in 1963. Stankovic was educated at Plymouth College in Devon, England, where he studied classics and was Head of School and head of the Combined Cadet Force.
Military service[edit]
He joined the Parachute Regiment in 1981, went to Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in 1982 and was sent to University by the Army to study Russian at Manchester University and at the Minsk State Pedagogical Institute for Foreign Languages in the Soviet Union. He completed the Standard Graduate Course at Sandhurst in 1986 and subsequently served with the British Army in Belize, Northern Ireland and Southern Africa, and with the United Nations forces in Kuwait, Iraq and Bosnia. A fluent speaker of Serbo-Croatian and Russian, he specialised in psychological operations and post-Cold War arms control. He retired from the British Army in 2000 with the rank of major.[1]
Bosnian War[edit]
Operating primarily as a Liaison Officer under the pseudonym `Mike Stanley`,[2] he was the longest-serving British soldier with the United Nations Protection Force during the 1992-95 Bosnian War. In the latter part of his service, he worked directly for General Sir Michael Rose[3] and General Sir Rupert Smith,[4] successive commanders of the United Nations Protection Force in Bosnia in 1994 and 1995. His functions mainly involved mediating, negotiating and troubleshooting ceasefires, hostage releases, and the 1995 Cessation of Hostilities Agreement with Bosnian Serb political and military leaders. Upon his return from Bosnia, Stankovic was appointed Member of the Order of the British Empire for his mediation work.[5]
`Your liaison function in particular between BH Command and Pale was wholly indispensable to the peace process, and I always felt that I knew better than my predecessors the innermost thoughts of the Serbs…it was essential that we had someone who could gain their trust and demonstrate that as peacekeepers we really were impartial. All this came to a culminating point during the cessation of hostilities negotiations when you provided the `telephone through the window!’ Without this I doubt we would have got the necessary signatures.` General Sir Michael Rose KCB CBE DSO QGM, Adjutant General.[6]
`Major Stankovic has been mine and my predecessor`s Liaison Officer with the Bosnian Serb Army since June 1994. He has worked for me for the past four months. The relationships he has established with key figures, not least the Bosnian Serb Army commander, his knowledge of the language and the background to the war has been invaluable...He has been under considerable pressure, operating alone in isolated circumstances where the threat of hostile activity is ever present and occasionally occurs. Major Stankovic has performed excellently. His mediation between the warring factions, his representation of me and his advice have all been of critical importance...As a character he is brave and enduring. He is calm and thoughtful under pressure. He is his own man walking his own path.` General Sir Rupert Smith KCB DSO OBE QGM, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander in Europe.[7]
`I have no doubts whatsoever. In Bosnia he played an absolute blinder.` General Sir Mike Jackson KCB CBE DSO DL, Chief of the General Staff.[8]
Spy Scandal[edit]
In October 1997, while at the Joint Services Command and Staff Course, Stankovic was arrested by the Ministry of Defence Police on suspicion of breaches under Section 2b of the 1989 Official Secrets Act.[9][10] Although he was on police bail for over a year, during which time the MOD Police interviewed several hundred witnesses, no evidence of any wrongdoing was found with which to charge him. In April 1999 the Crown Prosecution Service concluded that there would be no further action against him for lack of evidence. Nonetheless, for a subsequent year, he was investigated by the Royal Military Police`s Special Investigations Branch to determine whether violations to the Military Services had been made. In March 2000, the Army concluded that no violations had been found. Meanwhile, Stankovic had resigned from the Army in order to pursue his case against the Ministry of Defence in the Civil Courts (see Litigation below). The events of those years were recorded by Tim Slessor in his book about dissembling and deception in Whitehall, Lying in State, in a chapter entitled: A Soldier’s Story. The Army Board reflected the lack of substance of the allegations and the failure of two investigations to find any evidence of wrongdoing in an unusual letter to Major Stankovic that is not normally written to officers retiring from the Services:
`On the occasion of your retirement from the Army, I am directed by the Army Board to thank you most sincerely for the loyal service you have given since you were commissioned. The Army Board recognises that, in carrying out your duties as an officer, you will have had to make many sacrifices, putting the interests of your Country, the Army and your soldiers before your own. This is very much appreciated and the Army Board wishes formally to express its gratitude for the service you have given and for the excellent contribution you have made.` Major General Alistair Irvin, Military Secretary.[11]
In October 2007, ten years after his arrest, Stankovic`s case against the Ministry of Defence Police finally came to trial in the Royal Courts of Justice. There were only three torts in law upon which he could rest his claim: Unlawful arrest; trespass to property; and malfeasance in public office (abuse of power) – a tort that had been heard only ten times previously in civil courts and had failed on seven of those occasions. Although the trial judge, the Honourable Mr. Justice Saunders, found that the MOD Police had not abused their power during investigation and held reasonable grounds for suspicion leading to Stankovic`s subsequent arrest, he did find that the trespass of Stankovic`s property had been inordinate. Furthermore, the trial process revealed additional hitherto unseen disclosure, which finally named Stankovic`s original accuser - a former British Army officer. In clearing Stankovic`s name, The Honourable Mr. Justice Saunders summed up as follows on 9 November 2007:
`Looked at objectively, there is no doubt that what happened to the Claimant has been unfair and the consequences serious…he was an impressive and realistic witness. He did not overstate his case...He proved himself to be courageous and resourceful in Bosnia and suffered the effects of his time there more than most`.[12]
Mr Justice Saunders awarded £5,000 for the MOD Police `seizing and removing items outside the terms of a search warrant`, but threw out the majority of to Stankovic`s case and made him liable for all costs (circa £500,000).[13]
On 14th April 2000, Stankovic published his own account of his experiences as a Liaison Officer, mediator and negotiator in the Bosnian War – Trusted Mole, A Soldier’s Journey into Bosnia’s Heart of Darkness.[14] Described by The Sunday Times as `By far the best book to have come out of the Balkan Wars` and critically acclaimed in the United States and Europe, this account of troubleshooting in the extreme environment of the Bosnian War informs the philosophical and methodological approach to the agile resolution of conflict and disputes.
Recent years[edit]
Consulting & Advisory. Since leaving the British Army, Stankovic has worked in over eighty countries on five continents as a risk management consultant, and has specialised in business intelligence and new market entry in the Russian Federation. He has been honoured three times by the Emmy Awards in Los Angeles for his work with CBS TV and advised the BBC on developing proactive protection measures for BBC teams in Iraq. His expertise in psychological operations and mediation in cross-cultural environments have led to the development of innovative approaches in the fields of mediation and negotiation using agile and iterative processes for Conflict Resolution and Alternative Dispute Resolution. He uses his expertise both in security and Health & Safety consulting in the creative and media industries with a focus on hostile environments. He is the Principle High Risk Advisor at 1st Option Safety Group as well as being an Accredited Mediator with, and Member of, the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, specialising in the use of archetypal application in the mediation process.
The Warrior & The Caregiver. Stankovic`s training in psychological warfare found extension and expression as a performance coach in civilian life combining his unusual experiences of overcoming adversity with depth psychology coaching systems such as the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator (PMAI). He trained as a coach in the US, principally in Hawaii, California, and Sedona, Arizona. Between 2008 and 2014 he suspended his working life to care for his elderly mother until her death in August 2014. He ascribes his transition from warrior to caregiver as the central experience that helped him to understand and cope with the unique psychological demands involved with caring for an elderly parent up to their death. Central to the psychological health of the carer are coping strategies for dealing with changes in personal core identity that occur when caregivers transition from their pre-caregiver identities into caregivers, and from that identity, once the care role has ceased, to a post-caring identity. The smoothness and duration of the transition into each phase is determined by psychological self-knowledge, which he believes plays a vital role in helping untrained family caregivers better understand themselves and their own reactions to the unique and challenging pressures that domestic caregiving creates. This issue becomes increasingly relevant as the population ages, the State is unable to fund care for the aged, and the duty of care falls to family members.
Campaign. Having spent two-and-a-half years in bail custody, Stankovic supports the Justice Delayed Justice Denied campaign to restrict police bail durations.[15]
The MCC Centre of Excellence, Sri Lanka. In the wake of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, in 2005, Stankovic became the third person, and first solo person, to complete the Greystoke Mountain Marathon in under ten days. At 315 miles in length and incorporating 100,000` of ascent and descent, it is Britain`s toughest mountain marathon taking in 202 fell tops over 2000` in height within the Lake District National Park. In completing the challenge, he raised sufficient funds to initiate the building of a centre of academic and sporting excellence for children and young people in Seenegama, Sri Lanka, funded for the most part by the Marylebone Cricket Club.
The Braveheart Programme Military Charity. In 2009 he co-founded The Braveheart Programme, a British military charity that funds scientific research using the very latest neuro-imaging technology at Oxford University`s Department of Neuro-Science to seek neurological markers for Combat Related Post Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD) among the veteran population. It is ground-breaking research that promises not only to help further understanding of this age old wound of war, but will also have beneficial spin-offs to civilians suffering from PTSD. The Charity is currently funding a 60-month research project at Oxford University.

Miloš Radomir Vladimir Stanković MBE (rođen decembra 1962.) je bivši oficir britanske vojske i autor bosanskih ratnih memoara Trusted Mole.
Rane godine[uredi]
Stanković je rođen u Južnoj Rodeziji. Njegov otac, naturalizovani Britanac, bio je rojalista Jugosloven tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Njegova majka je bila Britanka i služila je u 8. armiji u bici kod El Alamejna u Egiptu 1942–43, Italiji 1944. i Jugoslaviji 1945. Porodica se vratila u London iz Rodezije 1963. Stanković se školovao na Plimouth koledžu u Devonu, Engleska. , gde je učio klasiku i bio načelnik škole i načelnik Kombinovane kadetske snage.
Vojna služba[uredi]
Pridružio se Padobranskom puku 1981, otišao na Kraljevsku vojnu akademiju Sandhurst 1982, a vojska ga je poslala na Univerzitet da studira ruski jezik na Univerzitetu u Mančesteru i na Minskom državnom pedagoškom institutu za strane jezike u Sovjetskom Savezu. Završio je standardni postdiplomski kurs u Sandhurstu 1986. godine, a zatim je služio u britanskoj vojsci u Belizeu, Sjevernoj Irskoj i Južnoj Africi, te u snagama Ujedinjenih nacija u Kuvajtu, Iraku i Bosni. Tečno govori srpsko-hrvatski i ruski, specijalizovao se za psihološke operacije i kontrolu naoružanja posle Hladnog rata. Penzionisao se iz britanske vojske 2000. godine u činu majora.[1]
bosanski rat[uredi]
Delujući prvenstveno kao oficir za vezu pod pseudonimom „Majk Stenli“,[2] bio je britanski vojnik sa najdužim stažom u Zaštitnim snagama Ujedinjenih nacija tokom rata u Bosni 1992-95. U drugom delu svoje službe, radio je direktno za generala ser Majkla Rouza[3] i generala ser Ruperta Smita,[4] uzastopne komandante Zaštitnih snaga Ujedinjenih nacija u Bosni 1994. i 1995. Njegove funkcije su uglavnom uključivale posredovanje, pregovaranje i rešavanje problema sa prekidima vatre, oslobađanjem talaca i sporazumom o prekidu neprijateljstava iz 1995. sa političkim i vojnim liderima bosanskih Srba. Po povratku iz Bosne, Stanković je imenovan za člana Reda Britanske imperije za svoj posrednički rad.[5]
„Vaša funkcija veze, posebno između Komande BiH i Pala, bila je u potpunosti neophodna za mirovni proces i uvijek sam osjećao da bolje od svojih prethodnika poznajem najdublje misli Srba… bilo je bitno da imamo nekoga ko može zadobiti njihovo povjerenje i pokažite da smo mi kao mirovnjaci zaista bili nepristrasni. Sve ovo je došlo do kulminacije tokom pregovora o prekidu neprijateljstava kada ste dali `telefon kroz prozor`, sumnjam da bismo dobili potrebne potpise. General Sir Michael Rose KCB CBE DSO KGM, general-ađutant.[6]
„Major Stanković je bio moj i oficir za vezu mog prethodnika sa VRS od juna 1994. Radio je za mene poslednja četiri meseca. Odnosi koje je uspostavio sa ključnim ličnostima, ne samo sa komandantom Armije bosanskih Srba, njegovim znanjem jezika i pozadine rata bio je neprocenjiv... On je bio pod znatnim pritiskom, delovao je sam u izolovanim okolnostima gde je uvek prisutna opasnost od neprijateljske aktivnosti i povremeno se javlja odlično zaraćene frakcije, njegovo predstavljanje mene i njegovi saveti su bili od kritične važnosti... Kao lik, on je miran i promišljen pod pritiskom. General Sir Rupert Smith KCB DSO OBE KGM, zamenik vrhovnog komandanta savezničkih snaga u Evropi.[7]
`Ne sumnjam u to. U Bosni je igrao apsolutni blinder.` General Sir Mike Jackson KCB CBE DSO DL, načelnik Generalštaba.[8]
Špijunski skandal[uredi]
U oktobru 1997. godine, dok je bio na zajedničkom komandno-štabnom kursu, Stankovića je uhapsila policija Ministarstva odbrane zbog sumnje da je prekršio član 2b Zakona o službenoj tajni iz 1989. godine.[9][10] Iako je bio na kauciji više od godinu dana, a za to vreme je policija MORH intervjuisala nekoliko stotina svedoka, nisu pronađeni dokazi o bilo kakvom prekršaju koji bi ga teretili. U aprilu 1999. godine, krunsko tužilaštvo je zaključilo da neće biti daljeg postupka protiv njega zbog nedostatka dokaza. Bez obzira na to, sledeće godine je bio pod istragom Odeljenja za specijalne istrage Kraljevske vojne policije kako bi se utvrdilo da li su učinjeni prekršaji u vojnim službama. U martu 2000. Vojska je zaključila da kršenja nisu utvrđena. U međuvremenu, Stanković je dao ostavku u vojsci kako bi svoj slučaj protiv Ministarstva odbrane vodio pred građanskim sudovima (vidi Parnicu u nastavku). Događaje tih godina zabeležio je Tim Slesor u svojoj knjizi o prikrivanju i obmani u Vajtholu, ležeći u državi, u poglavlju pod naslovom: Priča o vojniku. Odbor Vojske je u neobičnom pismu majoru Stankoviću, koje inače ne piše, odrazio neosnovanost navoda i neuspeh dve istrage da pronađu bilo kakav dokaz o nepravednim postupcima.

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Trusted Mole - A Soldier`s Journey into Bosnia Heart of Darkness

Milosh Radomir Vladimir Stankovic MBE (born December 1962) is a former British Army officer and author of the Bosnian war memoire Trusted Mole.
Early years[edit]
Stankovic was born in Southern Rhodesia. His father, a naturalised British, was a Royalist Yugoslav during WW2. His mother was British and served with the 8th Army at the battle of El Alamein in Egypt 1942–43, Italy 1944 and in Yugoslavia in 1945. The family returned to London from Rhodesia in 1963. Stankovic was educated at Plymouth College in Devon, England, where he studied classics and was Head of School and head of the Combined Cadet Force.
Military service[edit]
He joined the Parachute Regiment in 1981, went to Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in 1982 and was sent to University by the Army to study Russian at Manchester University and at the Minsk State Pedagogical Institute for Foreign Languages in the Soviet Union. He completed the Standard Graduate Course at Sandhurst in 1986 and subsequently served with the British Army in Belize, Northern Ireland and Southern Africa, and with the United Nations forces in Kuwait, Iraq and Bosnia. A fluent speaker of Serbo-Croatian and Russian, he specialised in psychological operations and post-Cold War arms control. He retired from the British Army in 2000 with the rank of major.[1]
Bosnian War[edit]
Operating primarily as a Liaison Officer under the pseudonym `Mike Stanley`,[2] he was the longest-serving British soldier with the United Nations Protection Force during the 1992-95 Bosnian War. In the latter part of his service, he worked directly for General Sir Michael Rose[3] and General Sir Rupert Smith,[4] successive commanders of the United Nations Protection Force in Bosnia in 1994 and 1995. His functions mainly involved mediating, negotiating and troubleshooting ceasefires, hostage releases, and the 1995 Cessation of Hostilities Agreement with Bosnian Serb political and military leaders. Upon his return from Bosnia, Stankovic was appointed Member of the Order of the British Empire for his mediation work.[5]
`Your liaison function in particular between BH Command and Pale was wholly indispensable to the peace process, and I always felt that I knew better than my predecessors the innermost thoughts of the Serbs…it was essential that we had someone who could gain their trust and demonstrate that as peacekeepers we really were impartial. All this came to a culminating point during the cessation of hostilities negotiations when you provided the `telephone through the window!’ Without this I doubt we would have got the necessary signatures.` General Sir Michael Rose KCB CBE DSO QGM, Adjutant General.[6]
`Major Stankovic has been mine and my predecessor`s Liaison Officer with the Bosnian Serb Army since June 1994. He has worked for me for the past four months. The relationships he has established with key figures, not least the Bosnian Serb Army commander, his knowledge of the language and the background to the war has been invaluable...He has been under considerable pressure, operating alone in isolated circumstances where the threat of hostile activity is ever present and occasionally occurs. Major Stankovic has performed excellently. His mediation between the warring factions, his representation of me and his advice have all been of critical importance...As a character he is brave and enduring. He is calm and thoughtful under pressure. He is his own man walking his own path.` General Sir Rupert Smith KCB DSO OBE QGM, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander in Europe.[7]
`I have no doubts whatsoever. In Bosnia he played an absolute blinder.` General Sir Mike Jackson KCB CBE DSO DL, Chief of the General Staff.[8]
Spy Scandal[edit]
In October 1997, while at the Joint Services Command and Staff Course, Stankovic was arrested by the Ministry of Defence Police on suspicion of breaches under Section 2b of the 1989 Official Secrets Act.[9][10] Although he was on police bail for over a year, during which time the MOD Police interviewed several hundred witnesses, no evidence of any wrongdoing was found with which to charge him. In April 1999 the Crown Prosecution Service concluded that there would be no further action against him for lack of evidence. Nonetheless, for a subsequent year, he was investigated by the Royal Military Police`s Special Investigations Branch to determine whether violations to the Military Services had been made. In March 2000, the Army concluded that no violations had been found. Meanwhile, Stankovic had resigned from the Army in order to pursue his case against the Ministry of Defence in the Civil Courts (see Litigation below). The events of those years were recorded by Tim Slessor in his book about dissembling and deception in Whitehall, Lying in State, in a chapter entitled: A Soldier’s Story. The Army Board reflected the lack of substance of the allegations and the failure of two investigations to find any evidence of wrongdoing in an unusual letter to Major Stankovic that is not normally written to officers retiring from the Services:
`On the occasion of your retirement from the Army, I am directed by the Army Board to thank you most sincerely for the loyal service you have given since you were commissioned. The Army Board recognises that, in carrying out your duties as an officer, you will have had to make many sacrifices, putting the interests of your Country, the Army and your soldiers before your own. This is very much appreciated and the Army Board wishes formally to express its gratitude for the service you have given and for the excellent contribution you have made.` Major General Alistair Irvin, Military Secretary.[11]
In October 2007, ten years after his arrest, Stankovic`s case against the Ministry of Defence Police finally came to trial in the Royal Courts of Justice. There were only three torts in law upon which he could rest his claim: Unlawful arrest; trespass to property; and malfeasance in public office (abuse of power) – a tort that had been heard only ten times previously in civil courts and had failed on seven of those occasions. Although the trial judge, the Honourable Mr. Justice Saunders, found that the MOD Police had not abused their power during investigation and held reasonable grounds for suspicion leading to Stankovic`s subsequent arrest, he did find that the trespass of Stankovic`s property had been inordinate. Furthermore, the trial process revealed additional hitherto unseen disclosure, which finally named Stankovic`s original accuser - a former British Army officer. In clearing Stankovic`s name, The Honourable Mr. Justice Saunders summed up as follows on 9 November 2007:
`Looked at objectively, there is no doubt that what happened to the Claimant has been unfair and the consequences serious…he was an impressive and realistic witness. He did not overstate his case...He proved himself to be courageous and resourceful in Bosnia and suffered the effects of his time there more than most`.[12]
Mr Justice Saunders awarded £5,000 for the MOD Police `seizing and removing items outside the terms of a search warrant`, but threw out the majority of to Stankovic`s case and made him liable for all costs (circa £500,000).[13]
On 14th April 2000, Stankovic published his own account of his experiences as a Liaison Officer, mediator and negotiator in the Bosnian War – Trusted Mole, A Soldier’s Journey into Bosnia’s Heart of Darkness.[14] Described by The Sunday Times as `By far the best book to have come out of the Balkan Wars` and critically acclaimed in the United States and Europe, this account of troubleshooting in the extreme environment of the Bosnian War informs the philosophical and methodological approach to the agile resolution of conflict and disputes.
Recent years[edit]
Consulting & Advisory. Since leaving the British Army, Stankovic has worked in over eighty countries on five continents as a risk management consultant, and has specialised in business intelligence and new market entry in the Russian Federation. He has been honoured three times by the Emmy Awards in Los Angeles for his work with CBS TV and advised the BBC on developing proactive protection measures for BBC teams in Iraq. His expertise in psychological operations and mediation in cross-cultural environments have led to the development of innovative approaches in the fields of mediation and negotiation using agile and iterative processes for Conflict Resolution and Alternative Dispute Resolution. He uses his expertise both in security and Health & Safety consulting in the creative and media industries with a focus on hostile environments. He is the Principle High Risk Advisor at 1st Option Safety Group as well as being an Accredited Mediator with, and Member of, the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, specialising in the use of archetypal application in the mediation process.
The Warrior & The Caregiver. Stankovic`s training in psychological warfare found extension and expression as a performance coach in civilian life combining his unusual experiences of overcoming adversity with depth psychology coaching systems such as the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator (PMAI). He trained as a coach in the US, principally in Hawaii, California, and Sedona, Arizona. Between 2008 and 2014 he suspended his working life to care for his elderly mother until her death in August 2014. He ascribes his transition from warrior to caregiver as the central experience that helped him to understand and cope with the unique psychological demands involved with caring for an elderly parent up to their death. Central to the psychological health of the carer are coping strategies for dealing with changes in personal core identity that occur when caregivers transition from their pre-caregiver identities into caregivers, and from that identity, once the care role has ceased, to a post-caring identity. The smoothness and duration of the transition into each phase is determined by psychological self-knowledge, which he believes plays a vital role in helping untrained family caregivers better understand themselves and their own reactions to the unique and challenging pressures that domestic caregiving creates. This issue becomes increasingly relevant as the population ages, the State is unable to fund care for the aged, and the duty of care falls to family members.
Campaign. Having spent two-and-a-half years in bail custody, Stankovic supports the Justice Delayed Justice Denied campaign to restrict police bail durations.[15]
The MCC Centre of Excellence, Sri Lanka. In the wake of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, in 2005, Stankovic became the third person, and first solo person, to complete the Greystoke Mountain Marathon in under ten days. At 315 miles in length and incorporating 100,000` of ascent and descent, it is Britain`s toughest mountain marathon taking in 202 fell tops over 2000` in height within the Lake District National Park. In completing the challenge, he raised sufficient funds to initiate the building of a centre of academic and sporting excellence for children and young people in Seenegama, Sri Lanka, funded for the most part by the Marylebone Cricket Club.
The Braveheart Programme Military Charity. In 2009 he co-founded The Braveheart Programme, a British military charity that funds scientific research using the very latest neuro-imaging technology at Oxford University`s Department of Neuro-Science to seek neurological markers for Combat Related Post Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD) among the veteran population. It is ground-breaking research that promises not only to help further understanding of this age old wound of war, but will also have beneficial spin-offs to civilians suffering from PTSD. The Charity is currently funding a 60-month research project at Oxford University.

Miloš Radomir Vladimir Stanković MBE (rođen decembra 1962.) je bivši oficir britanske vojske i autor bosanskih ratnih memoara Trusted Mole.
Rane godine[uredi]
Stanković je rođen u Južnoj Rodeziji. Njegov otac, naturalizovani Britanac, bio je rojalista Jugosloven tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Njegova majka je bila Britanka i služila je u 8. armiji u bici kod El Alamejna u Egiptu 1942–43, Italiji 1944. i Jugoslaviji 1945. Porodica se vratila u London iz Rodezije 1963. Stanković se školovao na Plimouth koledžu u Devonu, Engleska. , gde je učio klasiku i bio načelnik škole i načelnik Kombinovane kadetske snage.
Vojna služba[uredi]
Pridružio se Padobranskom puku 1981, otišao na Kraljevsku vojnu akademiju Sandhurst 1982, a vojska ga je poslala na Univerzitet da studira ruski jezik na Univerzitetu u Mančesteru i na Minskom državnom pedagoškom institutu za strane jezike u Sovjetskom Savezu. Završio je standardni postdiplomski kurs u Sandhurstu 1986. godine, a zatim je služio u britanskoj vojsci u Belizeu, Sjevernoj Irskoj i Južnoj Africi, te u snagama Ujedinjenih nacija u Kuvajtu, Iraku i Bosni. Tečno govori srpsko-hrvatski i ruski, specijalizovao se za psihološke operacije i kontrolu naoružanja posle Hladnog rata. Penzionisao se iz britanske vojske 2000. godine u činu majora.[1]
bosanski rat[uredi]
Delujući prvenstveno kao oficir za vezu pod pseudonimom „Majk Stenli“,[2] bio je britanski vojnik sa najdužim stažom u Zaštitnim snagama Ujedinjenih nacija tokom rata u Bosni 1992-95. U drugom delu svoje službe, radio je direktno za generala ser Majkla Rouza[3] i generala ser Ruperta Smita,[4] uzastopne komandante Zaštitnih snaga Ujedinjenih nacija u Bosni 1994. i 1995. Njegove funkcije su uglavnom uključivale posredovanje, pregovaranje i rešavanje problema sa prekidima vatre, oslobađanjem talaca i sporazumom o prekidu neprijateljstava iz 1995. sa političkim i vojnim liderima bosanskih Srba. Po povratku iz Bosne, Stanković je imenovan za člana Reda Britanske imperije za svoj posrednički rad.[5]
„Vaša funkcija veze, posebno između Komande BiH i Pala, bila je u potpunosti neophodna za mirovni proces i uvijek sam osjećao da bolje od svojih prethodnika poznajem najdublje misli Srba… bilo je bitno da imamo nekoga ko može zadobiti njihovo povjerenje i pokažite da smo mi kao mirovnjaci zaista bili nepristrasni. Sve ovo je došlo do kulminacije tokom pregovora o prekidu neprijateljstava kada ste dali `telefon kroz prozor`, sumnjam da bismo dobili potrebne potpise. General Sir Michael Rose KCB CBE DSO KGM, general-ađutant.[6]
„Major Stanković je bio moj i oficir za vezu mog prethodnika sa VRS od juna 1994. Radio je za mene poslednja četiri meseca. Odnosi koje je uspostavio sa ključnim ličnostima, ne samo sa komandantom Armije bosanskih Srba, njegovim znanjem jezika i pozadine rata bio je neprocenjiv... On je bio pod znatnim pritiskom, delovao je sam u izolovanim okolnostima gde je uvek prisutna opasnost od neprijateljske aktivnosti i povremeno se javlja odlično zaraćene frakcije, njegovo predstavljanje mene i njegovi saveti su bili od kritične važnosti... Kao lik, on je miran i promišljen pod pritiskom. General Sir Rupert Smith KCB DSO OBE KGM, zamenik vrhovnog komandanta savezničkih snaga u Evropi.[7]
`Ne sumnjam u to. U Bosni je igrao apsolutni blinder.` General Sir Mike Jackson KCB CBE DSO DL, načelnik Generalštaba.[8]
Špijunski skandal[uredi]
U oktobru 1997. godine, dok je bio na zajedničkom komandno-štabnom kursu, Stankovića je uhapsila policija Ministarstva odbrane zbog sumnje da je prekršio član 2b Zakona o službenoj tajni iz 1989. godine.[9][10] Iako je bio na kauciji više od godinu dana, a za to vreme je policija MORH intervjuisala nekoliko stotina svedoka, nisu pronađeni dokazi o bilo kakvom prekršaju koji bi ga teretili. U aprilu 1999. godine, krunsko tužilaštvo je zaključilo da neće biti daljeg postupka protiv njega zbog nedostatka dokaza. Bez obzira na to, sledeće godine je bio pod istragom Odeljenja za specijalne istrage Kraljevske vojne policije kako bi se utvrdilo da li su učinjeni prekršaji u vojnim službama. U martu 2000. Vojska je zaključila da kršenja nisu utvrđena. U međuvremenu, Stanković je dao ostavku u vojsci kako bi svoj slučaj protiv Ministarstva odbrane vodio pred građanskim sudovima (vidi Parnicu u nastavku). Događaje tih godina zabeležio je Tim Slesor u svojoj knjizi o prikrivanju i obmani u Vajtholu, ležeći u državi, u poglavlju pod naslovom: Priča o vojniku. Odbor Vojske je u neobičnom pismu majoru Stankoviću, koje inače ne piše, odrazio neosnovanost navoda i neuspeh dve istrage da pronađu bilo kakav dokaz o nepravednim postupcima.

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