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Bristol Blenheim The Yugoslav Story, potpis Autora

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2014
Autor: Domaći
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Vojna istorija

Bristol Blenheim: The Yugoslav Story - Operational Record 1937-1958 Aleksandar M. Ognjević

Beograd 2014. Tvrd povez, engleski jezik, bogato ilustrovano, veliki format (30 cm), 164 strane.
Stanje Veoma dobro, posveta i potpis Autora.

In end thirties of the twentieth century it was clear that new war of great extent was to occupy the world stage. Germany was few steps ahead in terms of rapid arming and modernization of their forces, while its rivals from the Great War tried to keep up the pace. From once sixth top ranking air force, the Air Force of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia became obsolete overnight.
In one of procurements from abroad, modern and fast Bristol Blenheim aircraft were purchased, at first only two with a license for production of another forty aircraft, and finally another twenty was bought from England.
When the war broke out, those aircraft were already deployed in two bomber regiments and one reconnaissance group. Yugoslav royal crews fought with vast audacity and allegiance against much stronger enemy in short lasting April war in 1941. In only four days favorable for combat missions, forty five aviators of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia lost their lives on the battlefield flying on their favorite Blenheims. Twenty two airmen died in a single attack against targets in Hungary.
Blenheim aircraft of other air forces - British, Romanian, Croatian, Hungarian, along with Blenheims of the communist Yugoslavia - flew across the Balkan sky. The war that raged in Europe and worldwide opened some unexpected routes so new parts intended for Yugoslav Blenheims were used for completing of Finnish machines in the far cold north.
This book is dedicated to all the airmen who flew both in peace and war, to those who survived the war and those who have offered up the ultimate sacrifice, their lives, regardless of which side they fought and died on. Those are the men that marked a historical era in flying on the Bristol Blenheim aircraft.
Oblivion is the only thing worse than death.

Chapter 1: Golden Years
Chapter 2: Leaden Sky
1.Bombarderski puk
8.Bombarderski puk
11.Samostalna grupa za daljno izvidanje
Chapter 3: Royal Comrades in Arms
11 Squadron
30 Squadron
84 Squadron
113 Squadron
211 Squadron
Chapter 4: Serving the `U`
Chapter 5: Romanian Birds
Chapter 6: In Hungarian Service
Chapter 7: With Blue Swastika
Chapter 8: Local Red Stars
Chapter 9: Camouflage and Markings
Acknowledgements and sources
Colour Plates

Načini plaćanja i preuzimanja:

Knjige se mogu preuzeti lično ili se šalju poštom.
Troškove poštarine snosi kupac prema zvaničnom cenovniku PTT Srbije, osim gde je naglašena besplatna dostava
(ne važi za sve kurirske službe)!

Besplatna dostava, (ne misli se na ličnu dostavu) već za slanje pošIljaka redovnom poštom gde je poštarina besplatna, uz predhodnu uplatu na tekući račun!
Besplatna dostava ne važi za sve kurirske službe i slanje pouzećem !!!!
Način isporuke:
1. Knjige se šalju poštom
2. Post expres službom (u zavisnosti od dogovora) i plaćaju se zajedno sa troškovima poštarine prilikom preuzimanja na Vašoj adresi.
-Knjige možete naručiti iz inostranstva uz predhodnu uplatu preko Western Uniona ili deviznog računa.
-U slučaju bilo kakvog nesporazuma, moguć je dogovor oko rešavanja istog.

Svi moji predmeti:

Predmet: 65590873
Bristol Blenheim: The Yugoslav Story - Operational Record 1937-1958 Aleksandar M. Ognjević

Beograd 2014. Tvrd povez, engleski jezik, bogato ilustrovano, veliki format (30 cm), 164 strane.
Stanje Veoma dobro, posveta i potpis Autora.

In end thirties of the twentieth century it was clear that new war of great extent was to occupy the world stage. Germany was few steps ahead in terms of rapid arming and modernization of their forces, while its rivals from the Great War tried to keep up the pace. From once sixth top ranking air force, the Air Force of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia became obsolete overnight.
In one of procurements from abroad, modern and fast Bristol Blenheim aircraft were purchased, at first only two with a license for production of another forty aircraft, and finally another twenty was bought from England.
When the war broke out, those aircraft were already deployed in two bomber regiments and one reconnaissance group. Yugoslav royal crews fought with vast audacity and allegiance against much stronger enemy in short lasting April war in 1941. In only four days favorable for combat missions, forty five aviators of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia lost their lives on the battlefield flying on their favorite Blenheims. Twenty two airmen died in a single attack against targets in Hungary.
Blenheim aircraft of other air forces - British, Romanian, Croatian, Hungarian, along with Blenheims of the communist Yugoslavia - flew across the Balkan sky. The war that raged in Europe and worldwide opened some unexpected routes so new parts intended for Yugoslav Blenheims were used for completing of Finnish machines in the far cold north.
This book is dedicated to all the airmen who flew both in peace and war, to those who survived the war and those who have offered up the ultimate sacrifice, their lives, regardless of which side they fought and died on. Those are the men that marked a historical era in flying on the Bristol Blenheim aircraft.
Oblivion is the only thing worse than death.

Chapter 1: Golden Years
Chapter 2: Leaden Sky
1.Bombarderski puk
8.Bombarderski puk
11.Samostalna grupa za daljno izvidanje
Chapter 3: Royal Comrades in Arms
11 Squadron
30 Squadron
84 Squadron
113 Squadron
211 Squadron
Chapter 4: Serving the `U`
Chapter 5: Romanian Birds
Chapter 6: In Hungarian Service
Chapter 7: With Blue Swastika
Chapter 8: Local Red Stars
Chapter 9: Camouflage and Markings
Acknowledgements and sources
Colour Plates
65590873 Bristol Blenheim  The Yugoslav Story,  potpis Autora

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