
The Biggest Pop Quiz Book Ever!

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Ostalo (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Dobanovci,

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2001
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Muzika
Autor: Strani

Publisher ‎Carlton Books Ltd
624 str

If your family and friends are like my lot, quite a few of them at some stage of their humdrum lives were slaves to the the Hit Parade, had a bit of a record collection, frequented disco`s to pull a `bird` or `bloke` or even both, read the New Musical Express and the Rolling Stone magazine, and as a result regard themselves as `Professors Of Pop`, rarin` to take on all-comers in a Pop Quiz, then this is the book for you.

With over 10,000 questions covering from the 50`s through to 2000, graded into Easy, Medium and Hard plus of course the answers, you will have many, many hours of fun, that requires no more organising than one person reading the questions out and the others to answer, whether comfortably recumbent with a drink or in hearing distance getting the supper.

Just one irritant. Don`t you just hate the people that having not given the correct answer, nodding their head and smirking when the answer is read out and saying `That`s right, I knew that`. Why the dickens didn`t you say so sooner you clever so and so?

Great for those glorious summer holidays trapped by the torrential rain and gale force winds in a Gite in France or the like, with family and/or friends and the thoughts of carnage and mass extermination are beginning to seem like a possible solution to one`s misfortunes.


lično preuzimanje je od srede do petka u 17h u Delta Citiju na Novom Beogradu
ili za dalje destinacije šaljem poštom kao preporučenu tiskovinu, paket ili post expres
Otkup knjiga i stripova

Predmet: 70614801
Publisher ‎Carlton Books Ltd
624 str

If your family and friends are like my lot, quite a few of them at some stage of their humdrum lives were slaves to the the Hit Parade, had a bit of a record collection, frequented disco`s to pull a `bird` or `bloke` or even both, read the New Musical Express and the Rolling Stone magazine, and as a result regard themselves as `Professors Of Pop`, rarin` to take on all-comers in a Pop Quiz, then this is the book for you.

With over 10,000 questions covering from the 50`s through to 2000, graded into Easy, Medium and Hard plus of course the answers, you will have many, many hours of fun, that requires no more organising than one person reading the questions out and the others to answer, whether comfortably recumbent with a drink or in hearing distance getting the supper.

Just one irritant. Don`t you just hate the people that having not given the correct answer, nodding their head and smirking when the answer is read out and saying `That`s right, I knew that`. Why the dickens didn`t you say so sooner you clever so and so?

Great for those glorious summer holidays trapped by the torrential rain and gale force winds in a Gite in France or the like, with family and/or friends and the thoughts of carnage and mass extermination are beginning to seem like a possible solution to one`s misfortunes.

70614801 The Biggest Pop Quiz Book Ever!

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