
THE SONG MACHINE Inside the hit factory - John Seabrook

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ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Muzika
Autor: Strani


retko u ponudi

The Song Machine: Inside the Hit Factory

`An utterly satisfying examination of the business of popular music.` —Nathaniel Rich, The Atlantic

There’s a reason today’s ubiquitous pop hits are so hard to ignore—they’re designed that way. The Song Machine goes behind the scenes to offer an insider’s look at the global hit factories manufacturing the songs that have everyone hooked. Full of vivid, unexpected characters—alongside industry heavy-hitters like Katy Perry, Rihanna, Max Martin, and Ester Dean—this fascinating journey into the strange world of pop music reveals how a new approach to crafting smash hits is transforming marketing, technology, and even listeners’ brains. You’ll never think about music the same way again.

A Wall Street Journal Best Business Book

`This is a fascinating tale about an amazing phenomenon: how hits get made. John Seabrook combines a love of music and an appreciation for personalities to take us on a starry journey from Stockholm and London to New York and Orlando showing how creativity gets discovered, polished, and packaged. His book is a triumph of great writing and reporting, and the lessons reverberate far beyond the world of music.` -- Walter Isaacson, author of `The Innovators` and `Steve Jobs`
`In The Song Machine, John Seabrook tells of a cutthroat and fascinating industry, where readers discover the gifted musical maestros who orchestrate hit after hit but rarely get their name in print. The narrative shows not just how technology has upended the music business but of how - despite prattle about `the long tail` - just one per cent of artists generate 80 per cent of the industry`s profits. This is a story with as many surprises as Game of Thrones.` -- Ken Auletta, author of `Googled: The End of The World as We Know It`

`Beneath the surface of today`s pop music lies an industrial process as rigorous and bizarre as the one perfected by McDonald`s. Seabrook shows what it takes to make a hit in a book that`s beautifully written, revelatory, funny, and full of almost unbelievable details.` -- Eric Schlosser, author of `Fast Food Nation` and `Command and Control`

`Anyone who wants to understand how the clash of cultures has shaped what we listen to should read this important book. John Seabrook has a marvelous ear for language - and perfect pitch when it comes to music journalism.` -- Bob Spitz, author of `The Beatles: The Biography`

About the Author
John Seabrook has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 1993. The author of several books including Nobrow, he has taught narrative nonfiction writing at Princeton University. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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retko u ponudi

The Song Machine: Inside the Hit Factory

`An utterly satisfying examination of the business of popular music.` —Nathaniel Rich, The Atlantic

There’s a reason today’s ubiquitous pop hits are so hard to ignore—they’re designed that way. The Song Machine goes behind the scenes to offer an insider’s look at the global hit factories manufacturing the songs that have everyone hooked. Full of vivid, unexpected characters—alongside industry heavy-hitters like Katy Perry, Rihanna, Max Martin, and Ester Dean—this fascinating journey into the strange world of pop music reveals how a new approach to crafting smash hits is transforming marketing, technology, and even listeners’ brains. You’ll never think about music the same way again.

A Wall Street Journal Best Business Book

`This is a fascinating tale about an amazing phenomenon: how hits get made. John Seabrook combines a love of music and an appreciation for personalities to take us on a starry journey from Stockholm and London to New York and Orlando showing how creativity gets discovered, polished, and packaged. His book is a triumph of great writing and reporting, and the lessons reverberate far beyond the world of music.` -- Walter Isaacson, author of `The Innovators` and `Steve Jobs`
`In The Song Machine, John Seabrook tells of a cutthroat and fascinating industry, where readers discover the gifted musical maestros who orchestrate hit after hit but rarely get their name in print. The narrative shows not just how technology has upended the music business but of how - despite prattle about `the long tail` - just one per cent of artists generate 80 per cent of the industry`s profits. This is a story with as many surprises as Game of Thrones.` -- Ken Auletta, author of `Googled: The End of The World as We Know It`

`Beneath the surface of today`s pop music lies an industrial process as rigorous and bizarre as the one perfected by McDonald`s. Seabrook shows what it takes to make a hit in a book that`s beautifully written, revelatory, funny, and full of almost unbelievable details.` -- Eric Schlosser, author of `Fast Food Nation` and `Command and Control`

`Anyone who wants to understand how the clash of cultures has shaped what we listen to should read this important book. John Seabrook has a marvelous ear for language - and perfect pitch when it comes to music journalism.` -- Bob Spitz, author of `The Beatles: The Biography`

About the Author
John Seabrook has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 1993. The author of several books including Nobrow, he has taught narrative nonfiction writing at Princeton University. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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57850439 THE SONG MACHINE Inside the hit factory - John Seabrook

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