
Chasing Tomorrow - Sidney Sheldon

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Grad: Beograd-Palilula,

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Godina izdanja: 2014
ISBN: 978-0-00-754198-0
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

New York Times Bestselling Author Sidney Sheldon`s most popular and enduring heroine-Tracy Whitney of If Tomorrow Comes-returns in a sensational sequel full of passion, suspense, and breathtaking twists. Tracy Whitney never wanted to settle down. Responsible for some of the world`s most astounding heists with her brilliant, charming partner Jeff Stevens, she`s enjoyed the danger and relished the intensity of life on the wild side. But she`s had enough of conning the rich and corrupt out of their ill-gotten fortunes. The one thing that would make her life complete now is marriage and a child with Jeff. But first, Tracy must finish one last job. An unexpected encounter with an old enemy triggers a series of disturbing events that Tracy never anticipated, raising terrifying ghosts she thought were dead and buried. Once again, this clever woman finds herself out on the edge, playing the odds in a desperate game of roulette. The stakes have always been high. But with her life and her future on the line, Tracy needs to dig deeper than she`s ever gone before, and find the strength and courage to trump her rivals, no matter what the cost. Tomorrow has come at last. But it isn`t the future Tracy bargained for...
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Predmet: 77605501
New York Times Bestselling Author Sidney Sheldon`s most popular and enduring heroine-Tracy Whitney of If Tomorrow Comes-returns in a sensational sequel full of passion, suspense, and breathtaking twists. Tracy Whitney never wanted to settle down. Responsible for some of the world`s most astounding heists with her brilliant, charming partner Jeff Stevens, she`s enjoyed the danger and relished the intensity of life on the wild side. But she`s had enough of conning the rich and corrupt out of their ill-gotten fortunes. The one thing that would make her life complete now is marriage and a child with Jeff. But first, Tracy must finish one last job. An unexpected encounter with an old enemy triggers a series of disturbing events that Tracy never anticipated, raising terrifying ghosts she thought were dead and buried. Once again, this clever woman finds herself out on the edge, playing the odds in a desperate game of roulette. The stakes have always been high. But with her life and her future on the line, Tracy needs to dig deeper than she`s ever gone before, and find the strength and courage to trump her rivals, no matter what the cost. Tomorrow has come at last. But it isn`t the future Tracy bargained for...
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77605501 Chasing Tomorrow - Sidney Sheldon

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