
Sf / Worlds to Come: Nine Science Fiction Adventures

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Worlds to Come: Nine Science Fiction Adventures
Cornet books London
manji format
engleski jezik
254 strane
očuvana, listovi po ivicama malo požuteli
1972 god

Science-fiction adventure classics by Arthur C. Clarke, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, John D. MacDonald, Robert A. Heinlein, James Blish and others. Leading off this collection is Clarke`s THE SENTINEL the story on which Stanley Kubrick based 2001, A SPACE ODYSSEY.

A mixed bag of classic science fiction stories.
The Sentinel by Arthur C Clarke.
Something has been found in the Mare Crisium on the Moon. An echo of later stories.
Moonwalk by HB Fyfe
An interesting adventure and fight for survival on the Moon. Great characters.
Mars Is Heaven! by Ray Bradbury
Very annoying depiction of a Mars landing site as a Victorian village full of the dead families of those on board a rocket from Earth, but redeemed somewhat by the ending.
The Edge of the Sea by Algis Budrys
A storm in the Florida Keys leads a man to something caught on the rocks. Satisfying.
The Martian Way by Isaac Asimov
A Trumpian tyrant on Earth interferes with humans on Mars. I loved this, despite the idea that water is used as a propellant in space. Of course I loved it: it`s Asimov!
The Big Contest by John D MacDonald
Ordeal In Space by Robert A Heinlein
An interesting story about PTSD and facing your fears.
That Share Of Glory by CM Kornbluth
Alien languages even hinted at? Love. Language is the key to this immersive story. An enjoyable read.
Sunken Universe by James Blish
A submarine alien intelligence with webbed hands, and yet calling themselves human and demonstrably speaking English contends with a vast ecosystem of aquatic species. A very imaginative story.

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Predmet: 62852357
Worlds to Come: Nine Science Fiction Adventures
Cornet books London
manji format
engleski jezik
254 strane
očuvana, listovi po ivicama malo požuteli
1972 god

Science-fiction adventure classics by Arthur C. Clarke, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, John D. MacDonald, Robert A. Heinlein, James Blish and others. Leading off this collection is Clarke`s THE SENTINEL the story on which Stanley Kubrick based 2001, A SPACE ODYSSEY.

A mixed bag of classic science fiction stories.
The Sentinel by Arthur C Clarke.
Something has been found in the Mare Crisium on the Moon. An echo of later stories.
Moonwalk by HB Fyfe
An interesting adventure and fight for survival on the Moon. Great characters.
Mars Is Heaven! by Ray Bradbury
Very annoying depiction of a Mars landing site as a Victorian village full of the dead families of those on board a rocket from Earth, but redeemed somewhat by the ending.
The Edge of the Sea by Algis Budrys
A storm in the Florida Keys leads a man to something caught on the rocks. Satisfying.
The Martian Way by Isaac Asimov
A Trumpian tyrant on Earth interferes with humans on Mars. I loved this, despite the idea that water is used as a propellant in space. Of course I loved it: it`s Asimov!
The Big Contest by John D MacDonald
Ordeal In Space by Robert A Heinlein
An interesting story about PTSD and facing your fears.
That Share Of Glory by CM Kornbluth
Alien languages even hinted at? Love. Language is the key to this immersive story. An enjoyable read.
Sunken Universe by James Blish
A submarine alien intelligence with webbed hands, and yet calling themselves human and demonstrably speaking English contends with a vast ecosystem of aquatic species. A very imaginative story.
62852357 Sf / Worlds to Come: Nine Science Fiction Adventures

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