
The Practice Of Industrial Medicine - Davies

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Oblast: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani
Godina izdanja: xxx

The Practice of Industrial Medicine. With a Chapter on The Hazards of Coal Mining

tvrd povez
engleski jezik
245 strana
lepo očuvana

Industrial medicine covers a vast field and those practising it must read widely to keep in touch with its many ramifications. A sound clinical background is essential but is not enough in itself; to it must be added a knowledge of the principles of preventive medicine as well as the structure of industry, and of the considerable body of law relating to the well-being of the individual at work. To cover this field in 250 pages is impossible, but Professor Lloyd Davies has provided in this book not only a reliable map of the country but very useful instructions to those who wish to live and work in it.
It is immediately apparent from the deep understanding displayed that the author has been a doctor in industry. Only a sensitive physician who has had to face the day-to-day medical problems encountered in a factory could deal with the subject in so practical a way.
No attempt is made to study any of the several branches in detail. Nevertheless, the doctor or nurse working in industry will find here a wealth of factual information as well as a clear guide to behaviour, and a great deal of law is conveniently summarized in a form in which it can be readily used.
Some of the sections are less attractive than others and this arises as a result of attempting to condense so much into a small space. It might be better, for instance, to refer the reader to standard works on some of the less common diseases and use the space so saved to deal with some of the day-to-day problems in greater detail; for instance, the sections on peptic ulcer and on tuberculosis could be enlarged with advantage. There is a good section on medicine as it relates to the coal mining industry, the practical nature of which has been ensured by the fact that it was contributed by the Chief Medical Officer of the National Coal Board. The book is easy to read and each chapter has an extensive bibliography. This is a good little book and is strongly recommended to doctors and nurses already working in industry as well as to those who are preparing themselves to do so. B. E. Lane.

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Predmet: 69404649
The Practice of Industrial Medicine. With a Chapter on The Hazards of Coal Mining

tvrd povez
engleski jezik
245 strana
lepo očuvana

Industrial medicine covers a vast field and those practising it must read widely to keep in touch with its many ramifications. A sound clinical background is essential but is not enough in itself; to it must be added a knowledge of the principles of preventive medicine as well as the structure of industry, and of the considerable body of law relating to the well-being of the individual at work. To cover this field in 250 pages is impossible, but Professor Lloyd Davies has provided in this book not only a reliable map of the country but very useful instructions to those who wish to live and work in it.
It is immediately apparent from the deep understanding displayed that the author has been a doctor in industry. Only a sensitive physician who has had to face the day-to-day medical problems encountered in a factory could deal with the subject in so practical a way.
No attempt is made to study any of the several branches in detail. Nevertheless, the doctor or nurse working in industry will find here a wealth of factual information as well as a clear guide to behaviour, and a great deal of law is conveniently summarized in a form in which it can be readily used.
Some of the sections are less attractive than others and this arises as a result of attempting to condense so much into a small space. It might be better, for instance, to refer the reader to standard works on some of the less common diseases and use the space so saved to deal with some of the day-to-day problems in greater detail; for instance, the sections on peptic ulcer and on tuberculosis could be enlarged with advantage. There is a good section on medicine as it relates to the coal mining industry, the practical nature of which has been ensured by the fact that it was contributed by the Chief Medical Officer of the National Coal Board. The book is easy to read and each chapter has an extensive bibliography. This is a good little book and is strongly recommended to doctors and nurses already working in industry as well as to those who are preparing themselves to do so. B. E. Lane.
69404649 The Practice Of Industrial Medicine - Davies

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