
Linda Lael Miller /Nemački/ Praznik za ljubav

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280 din (Predmet je prodat)
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
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Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Ralja,

IvanaIg (15086)

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Pozitivne: 46967

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Nemački
Autor: Strani

Ljubavni roman na Nemačkom jeziku
378 strana
lepo očuvana

Linda Lael Miller - Fest der Herzen - Liebesromane

. Whether it`s a lost reindeer, a depressed pony, or the elderly gentleman who fancies Santa Claus, none of this can upset the helpful veterinarian Olivia O`Ballivan. Only their new neighbor Tanner Quinn can do that with his charm. But the sought-after architect never stays in one place for long. For him, the sleepy Stone Creek project is merely an interlude. Even his night with Olivia?
2. Ashley O Ballivan is pretty, lovable and successful but still single. And not happy about it. Especially in the contemplative Christmas time she dreams of spending romantic hours with the man of her life. However, it does not look as if this dream would come true soon, right? Because surprisingly her great love Jack McCall returns to Stone Creek

Another great story by Linda Lael Miller!

This book is about the sisters Olivia and Ashley. The two are very different, but hold together as pitch and sulfur together. They also have the backing of their family, which solves many problems.

I really liked all the protagonists. Each one was special and very personable. You could very well guess the character and knew exactly how the one will react now. Children play a very important role, because the family is very important for all protagonists.

The environment descriptions are very successful. Everyone dreams of living in such a snowy winter landscape. What bothered me a bit, that it was very little for Christmas. Actually it should be a Christmas novel, but the topic was cut too close.

It is wonderfully easy to read and is very varied. Especially the second story was very exciting. The end was predictable but the reading pleasure does not diminish it. A book to relax and dream.

Potrebno je da ispunjavate sva 3 uslova popusta:

1. Popust NE VAZI za knjige čija je pojedinačna cena preko 490 dinara i ne važi za komplete knjiga
2. Ako odlučite da kupite knjige (koje nisu skuplje od 490 din i nisu kompleti) u vrednosti od minimum 2000 dinara , PRVO me kontaktirajte preko KUPINDO poruka (da bih korigovala cene) i DOBICETE POPUST OD 10%

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3. Popust NE važi NAKON sto obavite kupovinu vec isključivo PRE nego sto počnete da kupujete
Pakovanje naplaćujemo 10 dinara po pošiljci
Knjige saljemo:
- kao preporucene tiskovine - ne šaljemo kao obične tiskovine
- kao paket - plaćate knjige i poštarinu UNAPRED, NEMA OPCIJE da poštarinu za paket platite prilikom preuzimanja
- post expresom Plaćanje POUZEĆEM znači da šaljemo POST EXPRESOM (NE ŠALJEMO CC paket pouzećem)
- Ako šaljemo pošiljku na adresu firme post expres insistira na nazivu firme koji se piše u napomeni
Postoji mogućnost da nema opcije post expresa:
- ako kupac ima negativne ocene
- u specifičnim slučajevima ako zaključimo da kupac nije pouzdan - nepostojeći broj telefona, knjiga mora stići u određenom roku zbog putovanja i sl.
Ne šaljemo knjige u inostranstvo tj izvan Srbije

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Predmet: 56170195
Ljubavni roman na Nemačkom jeziku
378 strana
lepo očuvana

Linda Lael Miller - Fest der Herzen - Liebesromane

. Whether it`s a lost reindeer, a depressed pony, or the elderly gentleman who fancies Santa Claus, none of this can upset the helpful veterinarian Olivia O`Ballivan. Only their new neighbor Tanner Quinn can do that with his charm. But the sought-after architect never stays in one place for long. For him, the sleepy Stone Creek project is merely an interlude. Even his night with Olivia?
2. Ashley O Ballivan is pretty, lovable and successful but still single. And not happy about it. Especially in the contemplative Christmas time she dreams of spending romantic hours with the man of her life. However, it does not look as if this dream would come true soon, right? Because surprisingly her great love Jack McCall returns to Stone Creek

Another great story by Linda Lael Miller!

This book is about the sisters Olivia and Ashley. The two are very different, but hold together as pitch and sulfur together. They also have the backing of their family, which solves many problems.

I really liked all the protagonists. Each one was special and very personable. You could very well guess the character and knew exactly how the one will react now. Children play a very important role, because the family is very important for all protagonists.

The environment descriptions are very successful. Everyone dreams of living in such a snowy winter landscape. What bothered me a bit, that it was very little for Christmas. Actually it should be a Christmas novel, but the topic was cut too close.

It is wonderfully easy to read and is very varied. Especially the second story was very exciting. The end was predictable but the reading pleasure does not diminish it. A book to relax and dream.
56170195 Linda Lael Miller /Nemački/ Praznik za ljubav

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