
When Serbian flag flew over the White House

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2021
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

07493) When Serbian flag flew above the White House
Kad se vijorila srpska zastava na Beloj kući
Srpsko – američke savezničke veze iz Prvog svetskog rata i kultura sećanja na Srpski dan u Vašingtonu
kao prva i jedina od ukupno dve koje su se ikad vijorile,

sačuvali smo u ovoj knjizi kao dragoceno nasleđe za sledeće generacije Srba i Amerikanaca da ga se sećaju, čuvaju i održe.
Compiled , Edited and Introduced by Ray Radojević
Publisher : Kreativna knjiga ; The Serbian Heritage Academy of Canada / Srpska nacionalna akademija u Kanadi, 2021
On July 28th 1918, the 4th anniversary of the beginning of World War I, Serbian flag flew above the White House and all public buildings in American capital by the order of President Woodrow Wilson.

This unique event, a Serbian flag flying above the White House in Washington, took place over 9 decades ago but remained a memorable act of the US President Woodrow Wilson towards Serbia that submitted the ultimate sacrifice in “The Great War” – it lost 26% of its population and had a precedent in the war history when almost its entire population had to withdraw from their homeland.

Thanks to the great scientist Mihajlo Pupin, a friend of the American President, the work of the Serbian Mission in the States and Serbian representative in Washington, Ljubomir M. Mihailović, a series of manifestations took place in June and July, while the central event took place on July 28th, when the President Wilson gave the following message to the American people:

To the People of the United States:

On Sunday, 28th of this present month, will occur the fourth anniversary of the day when the gallant people of Serbia, rather than submit to the studied and ignoble exactions of a prearranged foe, were called upon by the war declaration of Austria-Hungary to defend their territory and their homes against an enemy bent on their destruction.

Nobly did they respond. So valiantly and courageously did they oppose the forces of a country ten times greater in population and resources that it was only after they had thrice driven the Austrians back and Germany and Bulgaria had come to the aid of Austria that they were compelled to retreat into Albania.

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken. Though overwhelmed by superior forces, their love of freedom remains unabated. Brutal force has left unaffected their firm determination to sacrifice everything for liberty and independence.

It is fitting that the people of the United States, dedicated to the self-evident truth that is the right of the people of all nations, small as well as great, to live their own lives and choose their own Government, and remembering that the principles for which Serbia has so nobly fought and suffered are those for which the United States is fighting, should on the occasion of this anniversary manifest in an appropriate manner their war sympathy with this oppressed people who have so heroically resisted the aims of the Germanic nations to master the world.

At the same time, we should not forget the kindred people of the Great Slavic race–the Poles, the Czechs and Yugo-Slavs, who, now dominated and oppressed by alien races yearn for independence and national unity.

Even though President Wilson wanted the US to stay neutral in the Great War, the declaration of war against Germany was passed by the American Congress on April 4th 1917, after dreadful events and “The Zimmermann Telegram”, a diplomatic proposal from the German Empire to Mexico to enter the War as its ally.

Although the US never directly took part in battles across the Balkans, it was well informed about the events taking place along this front. Therefore, when Serbian Prime Minister Nikola Pašić suggested an official mission to be sent to the US with the aim to inform its government and the public about Serbia’s war missions, Washington soon replied that “the US Government will be pleased to welcome Serbian representatives as their guests”.

Table of contents :

Amelia Josephine Burr - Serbia
W.J. Cameron - The Flag on the White House
John Reed - Goutchevo and the Valley of Corpses
Dr. J. Rudis-Jicinsky - Bohemians in Serbia
Mabel Dunlop Grouitch - American Doctor Saved Belgrade
Edwin W. Morse - The American Red Cross in Servia
Agnes Gardner American Red Cross Work in Serbia
Earl B. Downer, M.D. - The Thrice Captured Capital
Fannie F. Clement - Jane A. Delano, R.N. in Serbia
Austin Cunningham - The Scourge of War and Some American Heroism
Emily Louisa Simmonds - Nurse in Belgrade When Shells Fell
Mabel T. Boardman - Under the Red Cross Flag on the Serbian Frontier
Cecil Howard - American Tells of Serb Army
Cecil Howard - Serbia Battles with Typhus
The Rockefeller Foundation - Destitution and Disease in Serbia
Richard P. Strong - Typhus Fever with Particular Reference to the Serbian Epidemic
Dr. Ethan Flagg Butler - A Princeton Man`s Heroic Work in Serbia
Charles J. Vopicka - Condition of Prisoners of War in Serbia
Baby Hospital for Serbia
Douglas M. Dold - Surrendering Nish
Paul Van Dyke - The Freedom of Helpless Serbia
M.A. DeWolfe Howe - The Harvard Volunteers in Serbia
Fortier Jones - Glimpses of Serbia in Retreat
Dr. Earl Bishop - Downer Peasant Soldiers of Serbia
Fortier Jones - The Army That Cannot Die
Ruth S. Farnam - Serbia Surrenders Only to God
Stanley Naylor - The Serbian People in War Time
Ruth S. Farnam - Through the War Zone
Sybil C. Eden - Serbians Praised by American Nurse
Herbert Corey - The Serbian Tragedy as I Saw it
Stanley Naylor - The Serbian Soldier
Ida Clyde Clarke - Serbian Relief Committee
Emily Simmonds - With the Serbian Refugees
Ellwood Hendrick -The Serbians
Herbert Corey - On the Monastir Road
Cromwell Childe - Serbian Relief Funds Operating in America in 1916
Ruth Farnham - Address delivered at the meeting of the Republican Club, New York, 1918
Ernest D. Bicknell - Help for Serbians
American Red Cross Report - Serbia
Rosalie Slaughter Morton - On the Salonica Front
President Wilson`s Letter to Secretary Lansing
Robert Lansing - Appeals to Americans to Pray for Serbians
The New York Times editorial - Serbia and Austria
Mabel S. Grouitch Report of the Serbian Hospitals Fund and Other Special War Relief Contributions for Serbia
Allan Murray Gale - The Serbian and His Country
Report by the Red Cross War Council
War Council of the American
Red Cross Commission to Serbia
Gregory Mason - The Red Cross Rebuilding the Balkans
Henry P. Davison - The Tragedy of the East
Dr Esther Clayston , Pohl Lovejoy - American Women`s Hospital of the American Red Cross
Edward Stuart Sanitation in Serbia
Members of ARA E.C.F. Child Feeding
Amelia Peabody Tileston - Letters
King Peter I to the People of America
Decorations Serbia gave to American Red Cross Workers
Biographical Sketches of Authors
Biographical Sketches of the Editor
odlično očuvano, engleski jezik, tvrd povez, format 15 x 20,5 cm , 658 strana


od 101 g do 250 g 138 din
od 251 g do 500 g 169 din
od 501 g do 1.000 g 180 din
od 1.001 g do 2.000 g 211 din

Predmet: 77423221
07493) When Serbian flag flew above the White House
Kad se vijorila srpska zastava na Beloj kući
Srpsko – američke savezničke veze iz Prvog svetskog rata i kultura sećanja na Srpski dan u Vašingtonu
kao prva i jedina od ukupno dve koje su se ikad vijorile,

sačuvali smo u ovoj knjizi kao dragoceno nasleđe za sledeće generacije Srba i Amerikanaca da ga se sećaju, čuvaju i održe.
Compiled , Edited and Introduced by Ray Radojević
Publisher : Kreativna knjiga ; The Serbian Heritage Academy of Canada / Srpska nacionalna akademija u Kanadi, 2021
On July 28th 1918, the 4th anniversary of the beginning of World War I, Serbian flag flew above the White House and all public buildings in American capital by the order of President Woodrow Wilson.

This unique event, a Serbian flag flying above the White House in Washington, took place over 9 decades ago but remained a memorable act of the US President Woodrow Wilson towards Serbia that submitted the ultimate sacrifice in “The Great War” – it lost 26% of its population and had a precedent in the war history when almost its entire population had to withdraw from their homeland.

Thanks to the great scientist Mihajlo Pupin, a friend of the American President, the work of the Serbian Mission in the States and Serbian representative in Washington, Ljubomir M. Mihailović, a series of manifestations took place in June and July, while the central event took place on July 28th, when the President Wilson gave the following message to the American people:

To the People of the United States:

On Sunday, 28th of this present month, will occur the fourth anniversary of the day when the gallant people of Serbia, rather than submit to the studied and ignoble exactions of a prearranged foe, were called upon by the war declaration of Austria-Hungary to defend their territory and their homes against an enemy bent on their destruction.

Nobly did they respond. So valiantly and courageously did they oppose the forces of a country ten times greater in population and resources that it was only after they had thrice driven the Austrians back and Germany and Bulgaria had come to the aid of Austria that they were compelled to retreat into Albania.

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken. Though overwhelmed by superior forces, their love of freedom remains unabated. Brutal force has left unaffected their firm determination to sacrifice everything for liberty and independence.

It is fitting that the people of the United States, dedicated to the self-evident truth that is the right of the people of all nations, small as well as great, to live their own lives and choose their own Government, and remembering that the principles for which Serbia has so nobly fought and suffered are those for which the United States is fighting, should on the occasion of this anniversary manifest in an appropriate manner their war sympathy with this oppressed people who have so heroically resisted the aims of the Germanic nations to master the world.

At the same time, we should not forget the kindred people of the Great Slavic race–the Poles, the Czechs and Yugo-Slavs, who, now dominated and oppressed by alien races yearn for independence and national unity.

Even though President Wilson wanted the US to stay neutral in the Great War, the declaration of war against Germany was passed by the American Congress on April 4th 1917, after dreadful events and “The Zimmermann Telegram”, a diplomatic proposal from the German Empire to Mexico to enter the War as its ally.

Although the US never directly took part in battles across the Balkans, it was well informed about the events taking place along this front. Therefore, when Serbian Prime Minister Nikola Pašić suggested an official mission to be sent to the US with the aim to inform its government and the public about Serbia’s war missions, Washington soon replied that “the US Government will be pleased to welcome Serbian representatives as their guests”.

Table of contents :

Amelia Josephine Burr - Serbia
W.J. Cameron - The Flag on the White House
John Reed - Goutchevo and the Valley of Corpses
Dr. J. Rudis-Jicinsky - Bohemians in Serbia
Mabel Dunlop Grouitch - American Doctor Saved Belgrade
Edwin W. Morse - The American Red Cross in Servia
Agnes Gardner American Red Cross Work in Serbia
Earl B. Downer, M.D. - The Thrice Captured Capital
Fannie F. Clement - Jane A. Delano, R.N. in Serbia
Austin Cunningham - The Scourge of War and Some American Heroism
Emily Louisa Simmonds - Nurse in Belgrade When Shells Fell
Mabel T. Boardman - Under the Red Cross Flag on the Serbian Frontier
Cecil Howard - American Tells of Serb Army
Cecil Howard - Serbia Battles with Typhus
The Rockefeller Foundation - Destitution and Disease in Serbia
Richard P. Strong - Typhus Fever with Particular Reference to the Serbian Epidemic
Dr. Ethan Flagg Butler - A Princeton Man`s Heroic Work in Serbia
Charles J. Vopicka - Condition of Prisoners of War in Serbia
Baby Hospital for Serbia
Douglas M. Dold - Surrendering Nish
Paul Van Dyke - The Freedom of Helpless Serbia
M.A. DeWolfe Howe - The Harvard Volunteers in Serbia
Fortier Jones - Glimpses of Serbia in Retreat
Dr. Earl Bishop - Downer Peasant Soldiers of Serbia
Fortier Jones - The Army That Cannot Die
Ruth S. Farnam - Serbia Surrenders Only to God
Stanley Naylor - The Serbian People in War Time
Ruth S. Farnam - Through the War Zone
Sybil C. Eden - Serbians Praised by American Nurse
Herbert Corey - The Serbian Tragedy as I Saw it
Stanley Naylor - The Serbian Soldier
Ida Clyde Clarke - Serbian Relief Committee
Emily Simmonds - With the Serbian Refugees
Ellwood Hendrick -The Serbians
Herbert Corey - On the Monastir Road
Cromwell Childe - Serbian Relief Funds Operating in America in 1916
Ruth Farnham - Address delivered at the meeting of the Republican Club, New York, 1918
Ernest D. Bicknell - Help for Serbians
American Red Cross Report - Serbia
Rosalie Slaughter Morton - On the Salonica Front
President Wilson`s Letter to Secretary Lansing
Robert Lansing - Appeals to Americans to Pray for Serbians
The New York Times editorial - Serbia and Austria
Mabel S. Grouitch Report of the Serbian Hospitals Fund and Other Special War Relief Contributions for Serbia
Allan Murray Gale - The Serbian and His Country
Report by the Red Cross War Council
War Council of the American
Red Cross Commission to Serbia
Gregory Mason - The Red Cross Rebuilding the Balkans
Henry P. Davison - The Tragedy of the East
Dr Esther Clayston , Pohl Lovejoy - American Women`s Hospital of the American Red Cross
Edward Stuart Sanitation in Serbia
Members of ARA E.C.F. Child Feeding
Amelia Peabody Tileston - Letters
King Peter I to the People of America
Decorations Serbia gave to American Red Cross Workers
Biographical Sketches of Authors
Biographical Sketches of the Editor
odlično očuvano, engleski jezik, tvrd povez, format 15 x 20,5 cm , 658 strana
77423221 When Serbian flag flew over the White House

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