
SHARP Elsi Mate EL-5001 - stari kalkulator iz 1977.g.

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Stanje: Polovan sa vidljivim znacima korišćenja
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Isporuka: Post Express
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Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
PostNet (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Savski venac,
Beograd-Savski venac

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SHARP Elsi Mate EL-5001 - redak stari programabilan kalkulator iz 1977.godine,
Bez ikakve druge opreme,
radi na dve baterije od 1.5V tipa AA ili na strujni adapter,
za svoje godine dobro očuvan i ispravan,
stanje kao na slikama ...

opis sa net-a :
`EL-5001 is not at all unlike a programmable machine that comes with a software library in a ROM module.

The choice of programs in the EL-5001 is a curious one:
Program 1: Plot

The program is activated when you click the first program key, labeled Plot. You can specify a starting argument x0, using the second key; an increment using the third; you can view the current x with the fourth key. While the program is active, the meaning of scientific function keys like sin or ln is altered: instead of evaluating the selected function using the currently displayed number as an argument, the function is evaluated for the current value of x, and x is incremented. In other words, this program lets you plot a function using a starting value and an increment of your choice.
Program 2: STAT

This is your garden-variety single-variable statistics feature found on many scientific calculators.
Program 3: EQ

This program lets you compute the real roots of a quadratic equation. You can enter the coefficients using the first three function keys (conveniently and obviously labeled a, b, and c); you can compute the roots using the fourth function key. To compute the second root, use the F key before hitting the fourth function key.
Program 4: Integral

Normally, a calculator with integral capability integrates a user-defined function. However, such a capability presupposes programmability; how else would you enter a user-defined function?

The EL-5001 integrates the function kxn. The limits of integration are entered using the first two keys (labeled a and b); k is entered using the third key, n is entered and the integral is computed using the fourth. Obviously, the integral is not computed using any numerical approximation method: instead, the exact formula xn+1/(n+1) is evaluted for a and b and the difference is computed.
Program 5: Complex numbers

The four windows show obvious labels: the first two keys can be used to enter a complex number, whereas the remaining two are used to convert from rectangular to polar representation and vice versa.

What is less obvious that that while this program is active, the four basic arithmetic function keys work differently: they can be used to add, subtract, multiply and divide complex numbers.
Program 6: Vectors

If you just look at the labels while this program is active, you may mistakenly to believe that it`s really the same as the complex number program: after all, the rules for polar/rectangular conversion are the same for complex numbers and for two-dimensional vectors. So are the rules for vector addition and subtraction identical to the rules for adding and subtracting complex numbers. However, the multiplication key in this case computes the scalar product of the two vectors you enter; as for the division key, it actually computes the angle between the two vectors ...`

Lično preuzimanje : KOD MENE KUĆI u BG na Senjaku !
Slanje : Post Express-om o trošku kupca !

***** Pogledajte i ostalu moju prodaju na Kupindu, možda nađete nešto interesantno :

****** u periodu od 22.05.-28.05.2024 neće biti moguće ni lično preuzimanje, a ni slanje predmeta, pa ako Vam je nešto hitno pokušajte da se snađete na drugom mestu !!! ******

Opcija `plaćanja pre slanja` je moguća na Tekući račun ili PostNet-om !

Predmete NE ŠALJEM van Srbije ! --->>> I don`t send things out of Serbia !

Predmet: 69653325
SHARP Elsi Mate EL-5001 - redak stari programabilan kalkulator iz 1977.godine,
Bez ikakve druge opreme,
radi na dve baterije od 1.5V tipa AA ili na strujni adapter,
za svoje godine dobro očuvan i ispravan,
stanje kao na slikama ...

opis sa net-a :
`EL-5001 is not at all unlike a programmable machine that comes with a software library in a ROM module.

The choice of programs in the EL-5001 is a curious one:
Program 1: Plot

The program is activated when you click the first program key, labeled Plot. You can specify a starting argument x0, using the second key; an increment using the third; you can view the current x with the fourth key. While the program is active, the meaning of scientific function keys like sin or ln is altered: instead of evaluating the selected function using the currently displayed number as an argument, the function is evaluated for the current value of x, and x is incremented. In other words, this program lets you plot a function using a starting value and an increment of your choice.
Program 2: STAT

This is your garden-variety single-variable statistics feature found on many scientific calculators.
Program 3: EQ

This program lets you compute the real roots of a quadratic equation. You can enter the coefficients using the first three function keys (conveniently and obviously labeled a, b, and c); you can compute the roots using the fourth function key. To compute the second root, use the F key before hitting the fourth function key.
Program 4: Integral

Normally, a calculator with integral capability integrates a user-defined function. However, such a capability presupposes programmability; how else would you enter a user-defined function?

The EL-5001 integrates the function kxn. The limits of integration are entered using the first two keys (labeled a and b); k is entered using the third key, n is entered and the integral is computed using the fourth. Obviously, the integral is not computed using any numerical approximation method: instead, the exact formula xn+1/(n+1) is evaluted for a and b and the difference is computed.
Program 5: Complex numbers

The four windows show obvious labels: the first two keys can be used to enter a complex number, whereas the remaining two are used to convert from rectangular to polar representation and vice versa.

What is less obvious that that while this program is active, the four basic arithmetic function keys work differently: they can be used to add, subtract, multiply and divide complex numbers.
Program 6: Vectors

If you just look at the labels while this program is active, you may mistakenly to believe that it`s really the same as the complex number program: after all, the rules for polar/rectangular conversion are the same for complex numbers and for two-dimensional vectors. So are the rules for vector addition and subtraction identical to the rules for adding and subtracting complex numbers. However, the multiplication key in this case computes the scalar product of the two vectors you enter; as for the division key, it actually computes the angle between the two vectors ...`

Lično preuzimanje : KOD MENE KUĆI u BG na Senjaku !
Slanje : Post Express-om o trošku kupca !

***** Pogledajte i ostalu moju prodaju na Kupindu, možda nađete nešto interesantno :
69653325 SHARP Elsi Mate EL-5001 - stari kalkulator iz 1977.g.

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