
Criminal Records: Law, Disorder an The Pursuit Of Vinyl

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Criminal Records: Law, Disorder & The Pursuit Of Vinyl Justice
Various Artists (Themes)

1. Dragnet - Ray Anthony And His Orchestra
2. Cops And Robbers - Boogaloo And His Gallant Crew
3. Good Morning Judge - Wynonie Harris
4. Jailhouse Rock - Dean Carter
5. Private Eye - Bob Luman
6. But Officer - Cliff `King` Solomon And His Orchestra (Vocal: Gigi Gryce)
7. Dick Tracy - The Chants
8. Riot In Cell Block #9 - Vicki Young (With Big Dave`s Music)
9. Folsom Prison Blues - Jumpin` Gene Simmons
10. Bad Detective - The Coasters
11. Life To Go - George Jones
12. Mr Dillon - The Delacardos
13. Twenty One Days In Jail - Magic Sam
14. The Prisoner`s Song - Hylo Brown
15. Those Private Eyes (Are Watching Me) - Chubby Checker
16. Prisoner`s Plea - Billy Boy
17. Next Time (Take 1) - Richard Berry
18. Sergeant Preston Of The Yukon - Ray Stevens
19. Jail Bird - Sonny Knight
20. Bad Dan Mcgoon - The Cadillacs
21. Framed - The Robins
22. Birmingham Jail - Warren Storm
23. Have You Got The Gumption - Scatman Crothers
24. St George And The Dragonet - Stan Freberg
Crime and punishment have always gone hand in hand in the worlds of rock’n’roll, R&B and country and western music. For decades, goodies and baddies have provided us with a life sentence of chronicling of man’s misdemeanours and subsequent incarceration. When top Ace fan Tony Watson suggested that a compilation of songs about obeying and breaking the law would be right up the street of most of those who buy our CDs, we didn’t need to be read our reissue rights to agree. With that in mind, your honours, I hereby present the case for “Criminal Records”

Our line-up of heroes and villains runs the whole gamut of lawbreaking and law enforcement. Within its 60 minute audio sentence (and no time off for good behaviour) we cheer western heroes such as Gunsmoke’s “Mister” Matt Dillon and boo villains such as the fictitious (and let’s be very glad he is) ‘Bad Dan McGoon’. Our helmets are doffed to radio and TV ’tecs of the calibre of Dragnet’s Sgt Joe Friday and the legendary iron-jawed Dick Tracy, as well as some of those smoother newer fellas that came later such as 77 Sunset Strips Stu Bailey and, from the TV show of the same name, Peter Gunn. Bob Luman tells us how much he wishes he was a ‘Private Eye’ which a pre-twistin’ Chubby Checker moans that he can’t get any girl reaction, because his lady love is too busy drooling over the kind of ruggedly handsome television PIs that Luman aspires to be.

Other legendary enforcers of the TV screen from the years between Friday and Bailey are also on your case and on your trail, from Alaska (Sgt Preston Of the Yukon) to Chinatown (Charlie Chan, in the Coasters’ ‘Bad Detective’). If you grew up watching the small screen when it really was a small screen, you’ll remember most of these upstanding lawmen and their relentless pursuit of justice at all costs as they came into your homes on a weekly basis.

Less savoury characters that we hear from include alimony dodgers Richard Berry and Wynonie Harris; hardened lifers Jumpin’ Gene Simmons, George Jones and Hylo Brown; denizens of DWI Benjamin “Scat Man” Crothers and, with some help from Cliff “King” Solomon’s orchestra, Gigi Gryce; chain gang toiler Billy Boy Arnold and the perpetually in-the-wrong-place-at-the-wrong time Bobby Nunn of the Robins. And lest anyone think we’ve gone soft on lady lawbreakers, vivacious Vicki Young puts a Prisoner Of Cell Block H perspective on what it’s like to ‘Riot In Cell Block #9’. Personally I reckon that at least some of these guys and gals ought to have been let off with a caution.

Failure to support this project will result in a visit from the no-fun police and a lifetime of listening to R and B (that’s Rihanna and Bieber) for your sins. It’s a fair cop, guv, but society is to blame.

Svi predmeti u prodaji su iz licne kolekcije.
Predmet šaljem nakon uplate na moj tekući račun ili po dogovoru.
Lično preuzimanje je uvek moguce u Novom Sadu po dogovoru,ili na mojoj adresi .
Molim kupce da pre licitacije pitaju sve sto ih zanima, kako bi izbegli eventualne nesporazume.
U slučaju bilo kakvog problema nakon preuzimanja paketa, kontaktirajte me pre davanja ocene kako bi isti pokusali da rešimo.
Ne šaljem pouzećem.

Za prodaju cd-ova : Plastične kutije su zamenjive i njih NE OCENJUJEM! Takodje zadnja strana iza plastike drzaca cd je vidljiva slika, za njih isto ne ide ocena, sve se vidi!

Predmet: 37743863

Criminal Records: Law, Disorder & The Pursuit Of Vinyl Justice
Various Artists (Themes)

1. Dragnet - Ray Anthony And His Orchestra
2. Cops And Robbers - Boogaloo And His Gallant Crew
3. Good Morning Judge - Wynonie Harris
4. Jailhouse Rock - Dean Carter
5. Private Eye - Bob Luman
6. But Officer - Cliff `King` Solomon And His Orchestra (Vocal: Gigi Gryce)
7. Dick Tracy - The Chants
8. Riot In Cell Block #9 - Vicki Young (With Big Dave`s Music)
9. Folsom Prison Blues - Jumpin` Gene Simmons
10. Bad Detective - The Coasters
11. Life To Go - George Jones
12. Mr Dillon - The Delacardos
13. Twenty One Days In Jail - Magic Sam
14. The Prisoner`s Song - Hylo Brown
15. Those Private Eyes (Are Watching Me) - Chubby Checker
16. Prisoner`s Plea - Billy Boy
17. Next Time (Take 1) - Richard Berry
18. Sergeant Preston Of The Yukon - Ray Stevens
19. Jail Bird - Sonny Knight
20. Bad Dan Mcgoon - The Cadillacs
21. Framed - The Robins
22. Birmingham Jail - Warren Storm
23. Have You Got The Gumption - Scatman Crothers
24. St George And The Dragonet - Stan Freberg
Crime and punishment have always gone hand in hand in the worlds of rock’n’roll, R&B and country and western music. For decades, goodies and baddies have provided us with a life sentence of chronicling of man’s misdemeanours and subsequent incarceration. When top Ace fan Tony Watson suggested that a compilation of songs about obeying and breaking the law would be right up the street of most of those who buy our CDs, we didn’t need to be read our reissue rights to agree. With that in mind, your honours, I hereby present the case for “Criminal Records”

Our line-up of heroes and villains runs the whole gamut of lawbreaking and law enforcement. Within its 60 minute audio sentence (and no time off for good behaviour) we cheer western heroes such as Gunsmoke’s “Mister” Matt Dillon and boo villains such as the fictitious (and let’s be very glad he is) ‘Bad Dan McGoon’. Our helmets are doffed to radio and TV ’tecs of the calibre of Dragnet’s Sgt Joe Friday and the legendary iron-jawed Dick Tracy, as well as some of those smoother newer fellas that came later such as 77 Sunset Strips Stu Bailey and, from the TV show of the same name, Peter Gunn. Bob Luman tells us how much he wishes he was a ‘Private Eye’ which a pre-twistin’ Chubby Checker moans that he can’t get any girl reaction, because his lady love is too busy drooling over the kind of ruggedly handsome television PIs that Luman aspires to be.

Other legendary enforcers of the TV screen from the years between Friday and Bailey are also on your case and on your trail, from Alaska (Sgt Preston Of the Yukon) to Chinatown (Charlie Chan, in the Coasters’ ‘Bad Detective’). If you grew up watching the small screen when it really was a small screen, you’ll remember most of these upstanding lawmen and their relentless pursuit of justice at all costs as they came into your homes on a weekly basis.

Less savoury characters that we hear from include alimony dodgers Richard Berry and Wynonie Harris; hardened lifers Jumpin’ Gene Simmons, George Jones and Hylo Brown; denizens of DWI Benjamin “Scat Man” Crothers and, with some help from Cliff “King” Solomon’s orchestra, Gigi Gryce; chain gang toiler Billy Boy Arnold and the perpetually in-the-wrong-place-at-the-wrong time Bobby Nunn of the Robins. And lest anyone think we’ve gone soft on lady lawbreakers, vivacious Vicki Young puts a Prisoner Of Cell Block H perspective on what it’s like to ‘Riot In Cell Block #9’. Personally I reckon that at least some of these guys and gals ought to have been let off with a caution.

Failure to support this project will result in a visit from the no-fun police and a lifetime of listening to R and B (that’s Rihanna and Bieber) for your sins. It’s a fair cop, guv, but society is to blame.
37743863 Criminal Records: Law, Disorder an The Pursuit Of Vinyl

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