
Dark Canyon - Louis L`Amour

350 din
Želi ovaj predmet: 1
Stanje: Polovan sa vidljivim znacima korišćenja
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Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Ralja,

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Dark Canyon
by Louis L`Amour

120 strana
manji format
prvi i poslednji listovi imaju bledo žute tačkice
pečati pret. vlasnika
stranice blago požutele

L`Amour is a great storyteller, and here, especially, he throws in the familiar tropes of the genre: cattle rustling, outlaws, the redemptive power of the West, revenge, loyalty, the importance of home/settling down, and landscape. Gaylord Riley, a young man of sterling character, falls in with a group of outlaws--but they keep him on the periphery, believing him to be too good for that life. When he decides to leave the band, they all chip in so he can buy land to build a ranch--and he tells them they`ll always have a place there. Life doesn`t go as smoothly as one might hope for Gaylord--there`s a smart young woman he falls for, but he almost becomes a pawn in a revenge scheme. Lots of action, betrayals, revenge; black and white characters with the band of outlaws turning out particularly well; plot-centered with an epilogue that explains everyone`s fate; rather stilted old-fashioned language that sounds remarkably fine when read aloud, and passionate landscape descriptions; a romantic tone (both a love story and a surely romanticized view of the West), upbeat, earnest, and nostalgic.

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Predmet: 68380993
Dark Canyon
by Louis L`Amour

120 strana
manji format
prvi i poslednji listovi imaju bledo žute tačkice
pečati pret. vlasnika
stranice blago požutele

L`Amour is a great storyteller, and here, especially, he throws in the familiar tropes of the genre: cattle rustling, outlaws, the redemptive power of the West, revenge, loyalty, the importance of home/settling down, and landscape. Gaylord Riley, a young man of sterling character, falls in with a group of outlaws--but they keep him on the periphery, believing him to be too good for that life. When he decides to leave the band, they all chip in so he can buy land to build a ranch--and he tells them they`ll always have a place there. Life doesn`t go as smoothly as one might hope for Gaylord--there`s a smart young woman he falls for, but he almost becomes a pawn in a revenge scheme. Lots of action, betrayals, revenge; black and white characters with the band of outlaws turning out particularly well; plot-centered with an epilogue that explains everyone`s fate; rather stilted old-fashioned language that sounds remarkably fine when read aloud, and passionate landscape descriptions; a romantic tone (both a love story and a surely romanticized view of the West), upbeat, earnest, and nostalgic.
68380993 Dark Canyon - Louis L`Amour

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